Tag: fat

5 wrong things we do at work (and that make us fat) – Italian Cuisine

Here are the main mistakes we make every day and the simple remedies to avoid gaining weight between a sedentary life and bad habits

I don't eat anything, but I don't lose a kilo. I have to change my diet. I always eat little at work and yet …
Stop. If you don't understand what is making you fat, an explanation is there. Even if you are not giving yourself obvious sgarri, binges or excesses, the accounts on the scale do not return.
If we told you that you are probably doing at least 3 of these common mistakes that lead us to gain weight little by little and to take bad habits at work? Here is the list of villains and how to change your routine with some changes.

Breakfast at the bar

The last minute alarm, a rush shower and off to the bar before entering the office. This habit is a concentration of calories (400 if you choose cap and brioche), saturated fats and sugars. To get your day off to a good start, wake up a quarter of an hour earlier and awaken your body with fiber, sugar and protein. For example with a low-fat yogurt, whole grains and a fruit.

Coffee break and sugar

Indispensable, fun and relaxing. But if every coffee is accompanied by a sachet of sugar, we are on the wrong path. You will have to sweeten only the first of the day and take all others bitter. That won't be more than 4. And if you don't like bitter coffee, why not share the preparation of a green tea to drink naturally?

Lunch at the desk

Time is short, laziness a lot. And so day after day you are used to having a bite in front of your computer, maybe even optimizing the lunch hour to get on with the work. But this is not a good idea. This custom will lead you to eat more than necessary, do not do the little motion allowed by the lunch break and digest the frugal meal with difficulty. Leave the desk at least to eat and take ten minutes to walk briskly after lunch.

Skip lunch

There are also those who are undecided whether to have lunch in front of the PC or outside, solve the dilemma by skipping the meal. And then he consoles himself with a caloric snack in the afternoon or an aperitif before dinner. These behaviors take us away from our weight and confuse the body that gets used to not receiving energy when it requires it and stores the substances that we propose to it out of hours. We listen to our body and stimulate the metabolism, always finding the time for a light and balanced lunch.

The snack machine

Look carefully at the snack dispenser and give it a warm farewell. From today on you will stay away from small packs rich in saturated fats and preservatives and you will opt for simple snacks prepared at home.

Below 25 good ideas for preparing light and tasty snacks

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Does couscous make you fat? Good news! – Italian Cuisine

Does couscous make you fat? Good news!

Does couscous make you fat? How many calories does a plate of couscous contain? Is couscous good for your health? We identify the nutritional profile of this food with North African origins that has become part of Italian cuisine and beyond

The cous cous is a unique dish with North African roots, historically also arrived in Italy through sailors' journeys, thus becoming part of Sicilian cuisine (cùscusu, Trapani-style couscous) and not only. It is the fundamental food of the Berber culture, spread from Morocco to Algeria, from Tunisia and from Mauritania to Libya. Traditionally it is made with the durum wheat flour coarsely ground, but can also be found with millet.

The couscous is accompanied with stewed meat and boiled vegetables, even with fish and perhaps with a spicy touch of Harissa, and is perfect for a convivial lunch with friends. The variations of the couscous are many because it lends itself well to various interpretations; even as a quick lunch break thanks to pre-cooked preparations. But the good news hasn't ended here. We also have answers to the questions you (perhaps) have placed before the steaming dish: does couscous make you fat? How much it is calories It contains? Is good for health?

The good news

The nutritional profile of couscous is positive in several aspects, which makes it admit to the YES category even when on a diet. Always carefully, of course.

From the caloric point of view, the couscous without seasoning has few calories: every 100 grams equals about 110/150 calories. A nice surprise since generally the same amount of durum wheat pasta also involves twice the calories! Furthermore, since the preparation involves the absorption of a quantity of water during cooking, the couscous confers a sense of satiety important that you could play to your advantage in case of hypocaloric diet.

The positive aspects do not end there: the cous cous also contains a good dose of dietary fiber for a value of 2.2 grams per 100 grams of product. Accompanied by boiled vegetables, it immediately becomes the ideal dish to help the intestine. Not only that, it is good for health because does not contain cholesterol, has a low amount of fat and about 3.6 grams of protein per 100. The same 100-gram portion represents half the recommended daily requirement of selenium, beneficial for our body.

What to watch out for

With such an optimal value card, the couscous seems to be the ideal dish, but the pitfalls are hidden in the dish itself. In fact, it is al seasoning that care must be taken; a bit like with pasta. Accompany with little lean meat like the traditional lamb or flavor with very rich broth leads to excessively enriching a basic recipe with little calories.

Not only salty: couscous can also be used to prepare traditional desserts that involve the use of butter, sugar, cinnamon, honey, raisins or dates: all hyper caloric ingredients which are added to each other. As much as one Maghrood Libyan is delicious, it is better not to overdo it if you do not want to risk gaining weight.

Does salmon make you fat? Tips and calories – Italian Cuisine

The differences between fresh and smoked salmon and how much to eat if you are following a low calorie diet

Let's start with a certain news: go toall you can eat and ordering different dishes based on rice, salmon, sauces and fritters cannot be a light move. Rather. You will be amazed to count the calories taken on one of the many evenings of Japanese inspiration that you have granted yourself by ordering without hesitation from the generous menu (as detailed in the article below).

But what happens when we only talk about salmon? To understand if it can be considered a light food or not it is necessary to make some premises. The most important is that raw salmon and smoked salmon have different values ​​and calories. This happens because the parts chosen to smoke the salmon are the leanest and most valuable.

Smoked salmon

Let's start with the lightest of the family. For the smoking, the leanest parts of this fish are selected and they bring about 150 kcal per 100 g when it worked like this. To report the nutritional proportions: 25% protein, 4.5% fat. The real nutritional risk related to the consumption of smoked salmon is related tohigh sodium concentration. Before being smoked, the fillets are put in salt and absorb it in large quantities. If we are following a diet and aim at draining results, then, we must take this critical aspect into consideration, which is instead absent in fresh fish.

Fresh salmon

As mentioned above, in this case the fish appears in its most natural form and the processing is limited to a cold treatment to avoid the proliferation of parasites. Here the reference values ​​become: 190 kcal per 10 grams of which 19% protein and 12% fat. These indications are obviously different from fish to fish, but they help us to have a general idea about this product.

Good fats

Salmon is a very fat fish and yet its fats are often considered good. But what does it mean? In detail, the defined good fats belong to the polyunsaturated category and they are also essential sayings. Our body is unable to synthesize them and this is what differentiates them from the dangerous category of saturated fats (contained in red meat, but also in butter).

In conclusion

As we saw in the previous paragraphs, salmon contains more calories than other foods suggested by diets (such as beef fillet), but it has nutritional characteristics so interesting as to make it suitable as white meat. The greater presence of omega3 and the absence of sodium also make it more appropriate to use fresh salmon, although more caloric than smoked salmon. To avoid nullifying its properties and controlling the nutritional aspect of this food, we recommend cook it grilled or steamed by simply seasoning with a splash of lemon.

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