The Best Italian Recipe 2024: how to participate – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Or sent your original recipe a la Migliorericettaitaliana@gordon-ramsay-recipe.comaccompanied by the following information:

  • First name
  • Surname
  • E-mail
  • Phone number
  • Short story dedicated to the recipe (creative inspiration, inspiration, connection with the territory…)
  • Brief introduction of yourself

What requirements should the recipes have?

The recipes you send us must be originals and must highlight at least 3 of the following requirements.

1. Sustainability (local and seasonal ingredients).

2. Anti-waste (containment of doses, possible use of processing waste and reuse of leftovers).

3. Simplicity execution (avoid superfluous steps and excessively long cooking times, measure the use of appliances and tools).

4. Exaltation of the talents ofingredient.

5. Enhancement and renewal of Italian tradition in a creative key.

6. Inclusion of elements of different gastronomic cultures.

7. Identity as recognisability of Italian character of the dish.

8. Inclusion of preparation techniques vegetarianvegan, lactose and gluten free…

9. Healthiness and lightness compliant with new needs and new contemporary culinary styles.

10. Care of beauty of the finished dish.

As they arrive in the editorial office, we will select them, cook them, publish them in the newspaper and on the website highlighted by a special sticker.

Among these recipes we will make a second selection to identify the “Best Italian recipes” which will be proclaimed as such during a gala evening which will take place in December 2024.

To participate, take a look at the Terms and Conditions of participation and privacy policy of the Initiative.

To stay informed, subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here.

Join the crowd!


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