Tag: Christmas

Chocolate fondue recipe with brownies and fresh fruit – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Chocolate fondue recipe with brownies and fresh fruit


For a snack to share or for a doubly delicious dessert, prepare this Chocolate Fondue and these Browniesboth based on dark chocolate, but with different percentages of cocoa.

To make the fondue we used 55% dark chocolate melted on the stove with milk, cream, sugar and butter. To prepare the brownies we opted for 75% dark chocolate mixed with butter, eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla until obtaining a dough that we cooked in the oven. We then served the preparations with fresh fruit like strawberries and pineapple.

Try the recipe, perfect for recycling Easter egg chocolate, and also discover: Spicy chocolate fondue and dried fruit, Trio of fondues with roasted polenta cubes, Dark chocolate cookie, Brownie cake with mascarpone, blueberries and blackberries.


Baked lamb with potatoes, the traditional recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


One of the symbolic dishes of Roman cuisine for lunch on December 25th isBaked lamb: a simple and substantial traditional second course that will make you look great, without having to waste too much time in the kitchen, but enjoying your loved ones gathered for the holidays.

Abbacchio at Easter and Christmas

We usually associate lamb – also called “abbacchio” in Lazio and in many areas of central-southern Italy – with Easter celebrations. In reality, in Rome and its surroundings, sheep meat is also consumed at Christmas, this is because the agricultural tradition is strongly rooted in Lazio and especially in the Agro Pontino. This dish with a traditional taste is very easy to prepare – just put all the ingredients in the oven – and it practically cooks itself. The result is guaranteed: your guests will love it and you won’t have to stay in the kitchen cooking, while they enjoy good food, good wine and company. The choice is yours whether to use chopped lamb or a spectacular leg (in this case extend the cooking by approximately 20-30 minutes).

There is no lamb without potatoes

However, there are two points on which we must be firm, without discounts for anyone. First of all Baked lamb is served with potatoes, which must be cooked in the same pan as the meat, so as to absorb its juices and smells. And then: lamb meat should be eaten hot, very hot, to burn your fingers. Not for nothing, another traditional Roman dish is lamb steak, but this is a story that we will tell another time…

Baked lamb with potatoes: the traditional recipe


  • 1.5 kg lamb pieces (or a leg of the same weight)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 sprigs of rosemary
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 glass white wine
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  1. Arrange the lamb in a pan with the peeled and chopped garlic cloves, the rosemary sprigs and the bay leaf.
  2. Drizzle the meat with white wine and season with extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.
  3. Bake the meat at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes (30-40 if you use the leg of lamb), in the meantime peeling the potatoes and cutting them into rather large wedges or cubes.
  4. After 20 minutes, add the potatoes, mix the contents of the pan and continue cooking for another 40 minutes. Serve very hot.


Chicken Marengo in 2 recipes, traditional and modern – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Prepared on the day of the battle of the same name, the chicken at Marengo he also became a legend. Here it is, in a less “warlike” and more harmonious way, in two main course recipes: traditional and modern. But first let’s discover the history of this legendary dish, which is still popular today.

The history of chicken Marengo

Napoleon he was not a great gourmet, he dedicated only the necessary time to food, he ate in a hurry and never before battles. He was hungry, therefore, on the afternoon of June 14, 1800, after the most important victory of his life, in Marengo. An almost unexpected triumph against the Austrian army, which he managed to beat with a counterattack made possible by the arrival of General Desaix, with fresh troops. A crucial moment in the history of Europe, which made the town of Spinetta Marengo, in the province of Alessandria, and glorious Napoleon. Which, finally returning from the fighting fields, he asked his cook Dunand something to eat. He sent his cooks to look for ingredients in the nearby farms; he then didn’t have time to think of a well-thought-out dish with what they brought him, and so he put together chicken, tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, crayfish, sprinkled them with lemon and a little Cognac, and presented his dish. The success was immediate and definitive: from then on what was immediately christened “chicken alla Marengo” became untouchable.

Dunand later tried to modify the recipe, presenting more suitable versions to Napoleon. But every attempt was rejected: the general, superstitious, demanded that it always be prepared in the exact same way as on the day of the battle. Not all sources agree on the original “formula”. The historian Massimo Alberinifor example, claims that it was much simpler, only chicken sautéed with oil, white wine and parsley: Artusi, for example, presents a version without tomatoes, prawns and mushrooms, which seem to be later additions. But just like the battle of Marengo, this recipe also has something legendary about it.

«…it was called Pollo alla Marengo; and it is said that it was always in Napoleon’s favor, if not because of his merit, but because it reminded him of that glorious victory.” PELLEGRINO ARTUSI

Two versions between tradition and modernity

We propose it in one of the classic versions that have come down to us and in a lighter and more harmonious reworking: only the chicken breast, roasted rather than stewed, accompanied with a sauce prepared with puree and shellfish heads, like a bisque . We choose scampi, similar in delicacy to river prawns, but easier to find, and leave the mushrooms raw. The crouton with the fried egg, however, becomes a crouton just brushed with egg, browned in a pan.

Chicken Marengo – traditional recipe

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 1.2 kg of chicken breast
  • 500 g plum tomatoes
  • 150 g cleaned champignon mushrooms
  • 6 eggs
  • 6 flour prawn tails
  • garlic
  • lemon
  • homemade bread
  • butter
  • chopped parsley
  • dry white wine
  • salt
  • extra virgin olive oil


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