Tag: Serve

Oysters? Let's serve them with these sauces – Italian Cuisine

Oysters? Let's serve them with these sauces


The recipes of mignonette sauce and ponzu sauce, ideal for serving a plateau of fine Irish oysters

Oysters arrive on the festive table with all their intensity and refinement. We love to serve them on Christmas Eve, among the Christmas appetizers, but also for the New Year's Eve dinner, where there is never a shortage of the most delicious foods. But how best to bring them to the table?

We asked the Irish Oyster experts, who protect a prized and recognizable product, particularly tasty thanks to the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocean, combined with those of clean freshwater rivers and the minerals of a landscape
pristine. A product so important to the island that it deserves a dedicated festival, the Galway International Oyster and Seafood Festival which was cited by the Rough Guide as one of the 50 things to do before you die. And while we wait a little longer before getting a ticket to Ireland, we can best taste these fantastic oysters by preparing and serving them following the instructions below.

After the purchase

To enjoy fresh oysters without risk, you need to keep them in the refrigerator, in their shell, keeping them cold as much as possible to keep them fresh. The flavor will be better if they are consumed within 24 hours.

How to open them

First cover the palm of your hand with a folded tea towel. Place the cupped side of the oyster in your hand, with the flat side facing up. At this point, holding the oyster firmly with the towel, insert the knife into the hinge of the oyster and lever upwards with a twist. Slide the blade along the bottom of the shell to sever the muscle inside. Use the knife to open the top, then cut the muscle under which the oyster attaches itself to the base of the lower shell.

How to serve them

Now that the oysters are open, you can throw away the top shell. Try to save the oyster juices in the lower shell and place the raw oysters on a bed of ice. Among the great classics to accompany them, we find a lemon juice or a splash of Tabasco, but this time we want to do things big. Here then are two perfect sauces to enhance the best characteristics of Irish oysters and fully appreciate their complexity.

The recipe for Salsa Mignonette

Ingredients: 2 peeled and finely chopped shallots, 60 ml of red wine vinegar, freshly ground black pepper

Method: Mix the shallot and wine vinegar and season with a little black pepper. Keep it cold until ready to serve it with oysters.

The Ponzu sauce recipe

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of lime juice, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce
1¼ teaspoon of viewfinder, 1 teaspoon of rice wine vinegar, 1 shallot, finely sliced

Method: Pour all the ingredients into a small bowl, except the shallot. Whip together and taste. Garnish with the sliced ​​shallot.


4 alternative ideas to serve ham and melon (+ many other recipes) – Italian Cuisine


Served in slices, it is a classic that never hurts. But the consistency of ham and melon and their intense flavors invite us to play with variations rich in color and fantasy

Some dishes seem to have been created for save all our summer lunches. And between Caprese and Pantes salads, check him: ham and melon. A cold recipe that everyone likes and that only requires ten minutes of preparation. It will be for this reason that this summer have we prepared it so many times already?
If you are thinking that the time has come to change and you are afraid of boring your guests, stop by and see how it is easy to reinvent a dish too perfect to be abandoned.

The skewers

Among the variations that we propose, this is the simplest. In this case the classic ham and melon remains such, but it is even easier to eat. The diners will appreciate thefunny reach effect that you will have mounted by cutting the melon slices into squares and placing them on the wooden skewer alternating with a rolled raw slice.

Cold pasta

To make this simple recipe, reduce the melon into balls with the appropriate tool and cut the raw ham into cubes. You will season the farfalle that you will have boiling adding also chopped parsley, pepper, salt and a drizzle of oil. If you like strong flavors, mix the raw cubes with speck cut in the same way.

Salmorejo inspiration

To prepare this recipe inspired by one of the most interesting dishes of Andalusian cuisine, you will have to start from the melon. Remove the seeds and blend the pulp taking care to achieve a creamy, but not liquid consistency. Add cow's milk ricotta and black pepper until you get a cream to eat by the spoon. At this point garnish the plate by adding some diced ham.


This solution is perfect to satisfy the sweet tooth. Prepare an open sandwich with wholemeal bread, goat-like cheese, very thin and well-dried slices of melon and ham. The extra touch is given by a round of balsamic reduction and some basil leaves.

Our recipes with melon


Basil sorbet: how to prepare and serve it – Italian Cuisine

Basil sorbet: how to prepare and serve it


Basil sorbet is a fresh and light idea to surprise your guests

Basil sorbet is the green alternative to the classic lemon sorbet. It can be served at the end of a meal or even halfway to switch from one course to another and is ideal for cleaning the mouth and stimulating digestion.

The basil sorbet

The sorbet has a different consistency, is more dense and similar to an ice cream and less watery, but the ingredients are the same. The process only changes a little because everything is blended with an immersion blender instead of mixed. If you want to make the sorbet softer you can add a whipped egg white and the result will be very similar to a fruit ice cream.

The recipe for granita

Basil granita is made with fresh basil leaves. Choose small and soft (a bunch will suffice) and cook them in a saucepan with 100 gr of sugar and a little water. When the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and add 250 ml of white wine. Let the mixture cool for 12 hours and then remove the leaves and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a few finely chopped basil leaves.
Pour everything into a freezer container and leave to cool for about three hours, stirring every 30 minutes with a spoon to keep the mixture creamy.

Basil granita can be served alone or as an accompaniment to sweet and savory dishes.


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