Tag: Food

Spare ribs

I occasionally go on, what is known in our house as, “The Shitty Food Diet.”

The Shitty Food Diet is very simple and very effective – if what you want to do is lose a lot of weight very fast and don’t really care about the impact on your health.

What you do is eat INCREDIBLY shitty food – but hardly any of it. So on the downside you get quite hungry, but on the upside, you’ve got some sort of disgusting, shaming treat waiting for you and the thing about diets is that they’re all about morale.

So a typical day’s menu might go like this:

Breakfast: 1 latte with chocolate croissant

Lunch: nothing

About 2pm: McDonald’s double cheeseburger and small coke

6.30pm: 1 packet peanut M&Ms OR 1 Krispy Kreme OR 2 Jacob’s cream crackers

Dinner: 3 small glasses of oaky Chardonnay and 2 handfuls of crisps

This is the kind of menu I find myself eating quite often and I am thin as a rake. People say to me “You are so thin, what diet are you on?” and I say “The Shitty Food Diet” and they go “Ha ha ha, no really.”

Except next-eldest sister. She said “You are so thin, what diet are you on?” And I said “It’s called The Shitty Food Diet.” And she said “Ooh really – what does one do on that?” But my sister lives in Notting Hill – nothing surprises her.

So this is what I do on my own time, but on my husband’s time, it’s a different story.

But as it happens, we are getting a bit slack about provenence in this house. My husband’s strict rules about what, exactly, one is allowed to buy and eat basically allow for us to eat almost nothing except kale and roast chickens. He doesn’t want to buy, from a supermarket any fish that isn’t mackerel or any meat that isn’t produced by Duchy Originals. So if we haven’t been to the farmer’s market recently (where one can buy, guilt-free, anything one wants), the menu round here gets a bit samey.

I used to observe these rules faithfully but recently I’ve got a bit loose around the edges with it. The other day I just wanted some spare ribs, damn it. We’d just been to a restaurant called Sonny’s Kitchen in Barnes, which was AMAZING – just the best food I’ve had for a really, really long time and worth a trip if you’re anywhere near it.

You would think that being married to my husband I get to eat a lot of amazing food, but it isn’t so. A lot of new restaurants we go to aren’t very nice and if you order wrong, well: yuk. Sonny’s Kitchen genuinely stood out.

So anyway we had these spare ribs, which were like, out of this world and I wanted to re-create them, although nothing like as spectacular. But I couldn’t find any free range organic spare ribs in Waitrose so I just thought – fuck it – and bought the essentials ones.

And they turned out gorgeous, drowning in a barbeque sauce, which contained the following:

5 tablespoons tomato ketchup
3 heaped teaspoons English mustard
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1tsp chinese five spice
the zest of 1/2 an orange if you have it
2 cloves garlic, crushed
3 tablepoons veg oil to loosen
1 tablespoon vinegar, any sort

1 Mix together the sauce ingredients and leave the ribs to marinade for as long as you can – all day for preference but even 30 mins will make a difference.

2 Put in the oven at 180 for about 25 mins.

Food in beach resorts: what the law says – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Can you bring food into beach resorts? We ask ourselves this question every year before leaving for vacation because, punctually, at the beginning of summer a controversy erupts due to a new news story. The most sensational remains the one from two years ago in Bacoli where the managers of some beach resorts had even searched customers’ bags to check that they did not have any supplies with them, while last year a story of Apulian beaches that had placed very explicit bans took centre stage: no food in the establishments, nor drinks. In short: customers were forced to buy food and drinks in their bars. Also last year in Sant’Antioco (province of Southern Sardinia) for a moment the frequenters of the free beaches thought they had to go home for lunch to avoid being forced to pay a fine of 500 euros: all because of a municipal ordinance that prohibited «to have a picnic or to consume meals of any kindfollowing which the mayor then clarified that he had no intention of banning sandwiches or biscuits at midday.

There is no specific news story this year, but theThe controversy over food in establishments and on free beaches is still taking centre stage on social mediawith some creators who are teasing each other with posts about the habit of bringing food to the beach, even heavy food like baked pasta and parmigiana, as is often done in the south. Obviously, tastes are not up for discussion, but what does the law say about this?

Food in beach resorts: what the law says

As regards beach resorts, the law clearly states that they can’t force us not to eat under the umbrella. Indeed, as the lawyer Elia Ceriani has already explained to us: «It is absolutely illegal to impose a ban on bringing food and drinks from home. Obviously, the rules of common sense apply: no picnics, no large tables, and no food brought from home and consumed in the restaurant and bar areas of the establishment. For the rest, the choice of what to eat, and how to eat, is absolutely personal.

The Consumers’ Union has also expressed itself very clearly on this issue, in a handbook on the rules to be respected on the beach, explaining that «a beach resort cannot force customers to use additional paid services (such as those of the beach resort restaurant, ed.) in addition to those provided for by the beach concession. And then he continues by specifying that «any generic signs prohibiting access to food displayed at the entrance to the establishment have no value. So, ultimately «the consumer is always allowed to bring his own food to the beach. This also applies if you are a customer of an establishment (regardless of whether it has a restaurant service). However, it is important to respect the decorum of the beach and the users, avoiding for example excessively bulky coolers or setting up “tables” on the sunbeds.

Food on free beaches: what the law says

On a free beach the rules don’t change: you can eat what you prefer, within the limits of common sense and decency, as well as the law. Yes, to be clear, sandwiches, salads, even a plate of parmigiana which is traditionally the Sunday lunch at the seaside for many families in the South (sometimes mine too), but respecting some limits: for example, do not put the parmigiana (or anything else) on a table that could impede the passage of other swimmers, or set up a family gazebo (this also happens), or even start cooking (look on social media to believe: there are people who do it). «On the beach – the lawyer Ceriani always explained to us – fires cannot be lit, and it may even be forbidden to simply place tables to make dinners for environmental protection reasons. In short, let’s also check the municipal regulations and always remember that kindness and good taste never go on vacation.

Other articles from La Cucina Italiana that might interest you:


PizzAutoBus: 120 Autistic Kids Hired and 30 Food Trucks by 2028 – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


«Simone he shouldn’t be at PizzAut because when he came to me he didn’t know how to write and if you don’t know how to write you can’t be a waiter. We take orders by hand precisely to keep the kids in training. Simone is the oldest, he spent the last 20 years after middle school between home and a day center. I taught him to write again and today Simone takes extraordinary orders, even at very complex tables. And I remember the first order he took, he raised it to the sky as if it were the champions’ cup, a truly incredible result. Simone is employed by Quantum Retail.

«Simone. The autism spectrum is very broad, out of 600 thousand autistic people there are kids with very low IQs (for those who believe in reading an IQ or a report) and those who struggle to do even simple operations. Then there are kids with IQs above average and Simone is one of these. In 3 years he graduated in economics and commerce while working for me at the restaurant and now he is doing his master’s degree. Yet an autistic kid even if he has a degree and even if he does his master’s degree while working, struggles to find work because it is written autistic. Simone has joined the great Danone team, which has placed him on secondment with us for the time being – some days he stays with us, other days he goes to work with them in order to facilitate his entry into the company. We call him The Nerd for obvious reasons.

«Joy she is my princess. Autistic women are few compared to males, there is about one in every 8, every 10. There are three girls out of 40 people who work with me. Letizia does not speak well and when she came to PizzAut, like Simone, she did not know how to write. Because sometimes if you have a cognitive disability, the Italian school disinvests in the person. Letizia wanted to be a waitress at all costs, but she did not know how to write. She ran, set the table, brought the pizzas, but she did not know how to write. We often talk about resilience and Letizia took 10 months to write the entire menu by heart. She can only write this but with the entire menu learned by heart she can be a waitress. Letizia wears a black apron, unlike the red one of the hired boys, the black one indicates those who are learning and Letizia is doing a paid internship. Think that most of the time the parents bring me their children and tell me that they will give me the money as long as I keep their children with me. This is to explain the family’s desperation. But no, here it works differently, we pay the kids, the kids don’t pay anything, from training to apartments to learn autonomy. At PizzAut the kids don’t pay anything. Because we support ourselves with our pizzas which are delicious and we sell a lot of them. With us, you learn to read, you learn to write, you learn to hug, you learn to have a higher self-esteem.

Institutional support

The presence of the important Institutionswhich demonstrates the importance of the social change brought about by PizzAut as well as by all the social realities that use paid work as a tool for inclusiveness, from SbrisolAut to Tortellante and so on. Political figures of a certain weight, beyond the party, who dedicate time to express their support by taking it away from their always busy agenda is a sign that times are truly changing. Connected from Rome, the Minister of Labor Marina Elvira Calderone and the Undersecretary of State for Economy and Finance Lucia Albanin the presence of the Prefect of Milan Claudio Sgaraglia, the‘Councillor for Family, Social Solidarity, Disability and Equal Opportunities at the Lombardy Region Elena Lucchinil, the Mayor of Milan Joseph Sala, the Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli.


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