Tag: Pasta

Whole wheat pasta with vegetables and feta – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Whole wheat pasta with vegetables and feta


There whole wheat pasta with vegetables and feta It is a fresh, light and very tasty first course, typically summery and very simple to make. It contains the best of the garden and lightness, with the delicate combination represented by the mix of feta, courgettes, peppers and whole wheat pasta giving a real added value to the dish. And if you love feta, also write down this recipe.

How to make whole wheat pasta with vegetables and feta

The exquisite whole wheat pasta with vegetables and feta It is prepared by dicing courgettes and peppers and frying them together in a pan with oil and onion for 15 minutes. After seasoning with salt and pepper, boil the whole wheat pasta in a pan, add it to the courgettes and peppers and sauté everything for a minute, then add the diced feta and basil. Here are all the steps.


Pasta, legumes and vegetables, the cheap summer dish – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pasta, legumes and vegetables, the cheap summer dish


In a bowl, combine the pasta, lentils, cherry tomatoes, zucchini, bell pepper and onion. Season with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Mix and cover with plastic wrap. Let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. Before serving, mix the salad.


Oatmeal Pasta with Tuna and Rocket Pesto Recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Oatmeal Pasta with Tuna and Rocket Pesto Recipe


There Warm oat pasta with tuna and vegetable pesto is one of the recipes that we have selected from those sent to us by our readers to become “The best Italian recipe 2024”. It is by Rose Bonaventureborn in Cremona and adopted in Milan, who has always little time and many friends for dinner. “My signature dish is very simple and always effective,” he said. “The rocket and almond pesto gives a whole new flavor to pasta with tuna. Try it and believe it.”

To prepare it, you will have to boil the penne al dente, drain them and let them cool down, seasoned with a little oil. For the pesto, blend the rocket with oil, salt, pepper, almonds and water. Season the pasta with the pesto and the flaked tuna in oil and garnish with chopped almonds, rocket leaves, a drizzle of oil and grated lemon zest.

Discover these recipes too: Linguine with rocket pesto and stracciatella, Pesto with rocket and cashews, Whole wheat pasta with rocket and peanut pesto.


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