Tag: foods

Acne and nutrition: foods to avoid according to the dermatologist – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Raise your hand if you don’t have a whole series of clichés in mind about acne and nutrition, from the foods that cause it to “grandmother’s” solutions to cure it. But acne is serious, a skin problem that can cause psychological distress, blemishes and scarringand which therefore must be addressed with the help of a dermatologist.

This is why we asked the doctor Ines Mordente, surgeon, specialist in dermatology and specialized in acne, to clarify. In SOS Acne. The Skin Doctoron Real Time (channel 31, every Wednesday at 9.20pm), Ines Mordente meets patients with various dermatological problems, to guide them in the treatment of their skin pathologies.

Acne and nutrition: interview with Dr. Ines Mordente

Doctor, are there really foods that cause acne?
«Scientific literature tells us that some foods, those with a high glycemic index, increase the risk in acne-prone skin. It would therefore be good practice to avoid sugary, fried and cured foods. But, in particular, one type of food seems to promote acne.”

«Milk and dairy products, which seem to favor the production of sebum. Better to avoid them for those with acne-prone skin.”

But also the lactose-free ones?
«Yes, because the problem seems to be above all the presence of some proteins. Better to replace cow’s milk with vegetable drinks, such as almond or soy drinks, but always making sure that it has no added sugars.”

And the chocolate? It is said to cause acne. Is this really true or is it just a cliché?
«The problem is not dark chocolate, but milk chocolate, precisely because of the discussion we made before. In addition to containing milk, this chocolate contains many sugars: sweets have a high glycemic index. When we don’t eat properly, the bacteria naturally present in our body go into “dysbiosis”, which is an alteration in the composition and gene expression of the colonic microbiota with an increase in pro-inflammatory forms to the detriment of anti-inflammatory ones. The bacteria, however, must remain in synergy.”

Otherwise what happens?
«The symptoms of dysbiosis at the intestinal level are swelling and the sensation of air in the body, produced by unwanted bacterial fermentation. At a skin level, flushing (redness) or the appearance of acne, but also allergic dermatitis and some forms of eczema.”

So, which foods are best to choose to keep acne away?
«Antioxidant and detox substances are needed, with vitamin C and E, iron, zinc and copper to promote the natural balance of the skin and skin appendages. They are all nutrients that our Mediterranean diet provides us, which is varied and contains fruit, vegetables, fish, white meats and pasta. In the correct doses, it is a balanced diet that helps us to biochemically improve the blood sugar level.”


Foods that raise blood pressure: here are the unsuspected ones – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Sedentary lifestyle, stress, smoking, alcohol, but also a shopping cart with too many foods that raise blood pressure and therefore very careless about the health of our body. These are the main causes of high pressureor the increase in blood pressure, a problem which according to the National Congress of the Italian Society of Arterial Hypertension involves approximately 17 million people throughout Italy. Here are the foods that raise blood pressure, the consumption of which should not be exaggerated for the good of our heart and our arteries.

Label and sodium

Certainly among the foods that raise blood pressure there are those that contain excessive quantities of sodium. In products such as cured meats, sausages, raw ham and hamburgers, this element is used both as preservative and to prevent contamination. A similar argument applies to the frozen chicken and for those industrially derived foods, such as nuggets breaded, which can contain approximately 600 mg of sodium per 100 grams. Before buying them at the refrigerated counter, therefore, it is important to read the label carefully, to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Watch out for the soup

According to research from a few years ago byAmerican Heart Associationeven the unsuspected ones soups based on vegetables can contribute to worryingly raising blood pressure levels. But in this case a clarification is necessary: ​​the reference from the AHA, a US non-profit organization that works to reduce deaths caused by heart problems and strokes, founded in 1915 and based in Dallas, is aimed in particular at soups already ready sold in the supermarket, often rich in sodium. You need to be decidedly more relaxed about those prepared at home. The advice, also in this case, is to check the nutritional values ​​of the package or jar before purchasing.

Soy is better

To be consumed in moderation for the sake of our balance, furthermore, there are also the coffeealthough a very recent Italian study claims that coffee does not raise blood pressure, sugar, chocolate, honey and licorice: all foods that raise blood pressure if ingested in large quantities. To improve circulation, remembering to constantly keep blood pressure levels under control, the American Heart Association finally recommends replacing some carbohydrates refined with foods rich in soy or milk proteins.


The 10 most dangerous foods for health: Coldiretti 2023 list – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Salmonella, aflatoxins, pesticides and more. There’s everything in there list of the 10 most dangerous foods just published by Coldiretti: a black list updated every year based on the processing of European Early Warning System, the network from which the “alarms” originate, i.e. the information relating to the serious health risks of foods imported into the Community territory. Foods that mostly come tracked down and removed from tradebut which could also end up in our cart given that the controls are not comprehensive.

Coldiretti’s list of the 10 most dangerous foods

This year Coldiretti presented the list of dangerous foods on the occasion of the opening of International Agriculture and Food Forum and once again it contains foods that mostly come from abroad: 8 out of the 10 most dangerous foods that ended up on the black list are foreign. The numbers are these: out of the total of 317 alarms detected in 2022, 106 arose from imports from other European Union states (33%) and 167 from non-EU countries (53%). Only 44 (14%) alarms concerned products of national origin. A complex picture, which between the lines tells another fact: the risks do not only come from foods produced in developing countries, but also from other EU countries and beyond.

What foods are bad for your health?

Going into detail, the greatest dangers concern i dried figs from Türkiye for aflatoxins, followed by Spanish fish for its high mercury content, while in third place is cPolish chicken meat contaminated with salmonella and quarter Spanish mussels and clams always with salmonella together with the Escherichia coli bacterium. And again, Indian herbs and spices, French oysters appear on the list. Here it is complete:

The list of foods dangerous to health – 2023

  1. Dried figs – Türkiye – Aflatoxins
  2. Swordfish – Spain – Mercury
  3. Chicken meat – Poland – Salmonella
  4. Mussels and clams – Spain – E.Coli and Salmonella
  5. Pistachios – Turkey – Aflatoxins
  6. Oysters – France – Norovirus
  7. Pistachios – Usa – Aflatoxins
  8. Herbs and spices – India – pesticides
  9. Pistachios – Iran – Aflatoxins
  10. Litchi – China – Pesticides
    Source: Coldiretti calculations based on Rassf 2022 Report data

How to protect yourself from dangerous foods

The solution remains awareness: look carefully at what we buy, what guarantees those who produce give us, and where they produce. Crucial information: Italy is among the countries with the strictest policies regarding food safety, and this is also why our products are a guarantee. According to data from the latest report published by EFSA in 2023 relating to national data on pesticide residues, foreign foods and drinks are over ten times more dangerous than those Made in Italy, with the number of agri-food products with irregular chemical residues exceeding the legal limits which in Italy was equal to 6.4% in imported products, compared to the average of 0.6% of samples of national origin.

The fact is that we can’t always know where what we buy comes from: For now, information regarding origin can only be found on a specific list of foods. From 2025 things will improve, because this list will become longer and will also include foods such as dried fruit, uncultivated mushrooms and saffron for which until then the obligation will not apply, but – as Coldiretti points out – many other foods remain outside which they are a permanent presence in our pantries, ranging from fruit juices to canned legumes, up to biscuits. “AND It is necessary that all products entering national and European borders respect the same criteria, ensuring that behind the foods, both Italian and foreign, on sale on the shelves there is a similar quality path that concerns the environment, work and health” says the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini, who for some time, among others, has been waging a battle on label transparency that allows those who produce in compliance with the rules to stand out, and us to choose.

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