Tag: start

New Year’s Eve dinner: recipes for a great start – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Not sure what to prepare for dinner New Year’s? We’ll give you the best recipes to compose the New Year’s Eve dinner menu. An easy menu is what you need to celebrate the last day of the year without stress. But giving up creativity is not an option: to make your task easier we have collected in the gallery below all our funniest recipes to be offered during the dinner on December 31st. Whether you are guests at the home of friends or relatives or you have made your kitchen available to wait for the start of the new year together, you can create a festive, colorful New Year’s Eve menu with a touch of tradition that will make it even more magical. this night.

The lucky ingredients

Let’s start from the basics. Although New Year’s Eve may be an opportunity to deviate from more traditional recipes, there are some ingredients that – according to popular beliefs – are necessary to start the upcoming new year off well. And it would be a real shame to take away the opportunity of a year particularly full of good opportunities, right?

First of all then let’s not forget the lentilswhich have always been associated with the concepts of luck and wealth, usually combined with zampone or cotechino: you can bring them to the table in many ways, from soups to first courses, up to meatballs. If you don’t want to include them in your menu, make sure you have a small quantity ready (even stewed) to be served at midnight as a good omen. The same goes for the pomegranatea wonderful red fruit, symbol of abundance, fertility and wealth. It can be enjoyed alone, at the end of a meal, or used creatively, in a tart as well as in salads and first courses (the risotto with artichokes and pomegranate or the macaroni with meat sauce are unmissable).

Easy and creative recipes

When you have to cook for many people it is imperative that the recipes are simple and quick, but how do you avoid the risk of being banal by choosing easy recipes for New Year’s Eve dinner? Let’s start by telling you that it is possible to prepare in 30 minutes (or even less). delicious and sparkling first courses, such as the sparkling wine risotto, the pappardelle with turnip greens and stracciatella or the nice tortellini skewers. If, however, your aim is to get ahead, avoiding spending December 31st in the kitchen, you should rely on first courses to be prepared in advance and reheated at the right time, such as lasagna, baked pasta and savory crepes. And for second? Great classics such as vitello tonnato are a choice to take into consideration, but to further optimize the times, experiment with baking and marinades.

A convivial menu for New Year’s Eve dinner

Why not go all in Quick and easy delicious dishes? Starting from the aperitif, with our Christmas sauces to be prepared only with the blender, perfect for dipping breadsticks and nachos. In addition to cold appetizers to be prepared in advance, savory pies are also an excellent idea, for example the Neapolitan escarole pizza. Even second courses can be more convivial: try the stew in a crust of aromatic rolls and you will leave everyone speechless.

New Year’s sweets

All you have to do is make your dessert decision. The list of traditional Italian New Year’s desserts is full of surprises, but there are also less conventional ideas. Have you ever tried to recycle pandoro and panettone leftover to create completely different desserts, such as panettone tiramisu or pandoro swirls? Not to mention the panettone dessert that we propose in the gallery below. If you’ve never done it, you really need to try it: this is the right time!

New Year’s Eve dinner: the best recipes

New Year's Eve menu with friends

The best recipes for New Year’s Eve


Pumpkin milk: start the day with sweetness – Italian Cuisine

Pumpkin milk: start the day with sweetness



What if pumpkin couldn’t just be enjoyed in dishes such as risotto, lasagna, express or baked pasta, cakes and delicately flavored second courses?

In this recipe, where the main ingredient is autumn in all its forms, pumpkin comes in liquid form, to be enjoyed sip after sip in front of a good book or near a warm fireplace.

Pumpkin milk is an autumn drink that offers a trip to the American straw fields. Just one sip is enough to immerse yourself in the American dream par excellence, made up of houses with porches and leaves of a thousand colours.

The ingredients that make up the pumpkin cappuccino they are milk (also vegetable, in the vegan variant), a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg for flavor, half a cup of coffee and a dollop of whipped cream. The result is one hot cocktail of softness and originality.

Spiced pumpkin latte

Spicy at the right point, the pumpkin milk It looks like a cappuccino. Before adding the coffee it can be whipped to create the classic foam on the surface. Alternatively, the addition of the cream it will make this hot autumn drink even more delicious.


  • Pumpkin 150g
  • 200g milk (you can use any type of milk)
  • Cinnamon ΒΌ teaspoon
  • Nutmeg 1 pinch
  • Half cup coffee
  • Whipped cream to taste


Clean and cut the pumpkin into chunks, then boil it for 5-10 minutes or until tender. Blend with a blender to obtain a puree. In the meantime, let’s prepare the coffee. In a saucepan, combine 2 tablespoons of the pumpkin puree, the spices and the milk. Heat until almost boiling, then pour into a cup, top with coffee and garnish with whipped cream.


Start again with the help of pistachios – Italian Cuisine

Start again with the help of pistachios


Rich in vitamins and mineral salts, American pistachios are a complete protein that gives us the right energy to resume the daily routine

Work, school, daily commitments: after months of lockdown and spent the holidays, we are officially back to ours daily routine. The days are full again, often at a fast pace, and so is it stress and the fatigue they are ready to peep out at any moment. However, we can keep these bad companions at bay, for example with l'physical activity it's a Proper nutrition: In short, taking care of ourselves. About this American Pistachio Growers, non-profit association that unites growers of pistachios Americans, has compiled some advice to return to everyday life in a relaxed way and doing the full of energy.

In the morning: breakfast, snacks and stairs

Whether at home or in the office, the rule is always the same: start the day with the right energy by preparing one healthy and complete breakfast. During the whole day, it is advisable drink at least 10 glasses of water to hydrate properly, while between one video call and another it would be good to do some simple stretching exercise to reduce fatigue and fight a sedentary lifestyle. If you want to treat yourself to one mid-morning snack to keep concentration high, i American pistachios are a concentrate of vitamins and minerals and a 28 gram serving, about 49 pistachios contain only 160 calories.
The extra tip: if possible move on foot or by bicycle to do physical exercise and then because being outdoors increases your good mood; if, on the other hand, you use public transport, take the stairs on foot to get off the subway, so as to avoid crowding on the mobile ones and keep fit.

Lunch break and anti-aging snack

If you never know what to put in yours schiscetta of the lunch American Pistachio Growers recommends foods that, with their properties, fight cell aging. I am an example oily fish and salmon rich in Omega 3 and antioxidant fats capable of protecting neurons, or i complex carbohydrates, such as rye, spelled and legumes that provide energy to the mind and, finally, kiwis and oranges for the potassium and vitamin C which slows down the appearance of wrinkles. Even a handful of pistachios helps to regain concentration after the break thanks to the content of calcium, magnesium and potassium.
The extra tip: in the middle of the afternoon, avoid calorie snacks and drink instead a cup of green tea or black tea, with important properties antioxidants, able to prevent the aging of brain lipids and protect the body from cardiovascular diseases.

Daily training and post work-out with pistachios

To train muscle strength and strengthen bones it is sufficient to walk, or run on the treadmill or pedal on the exercise bike, 2 or 3 times a week or jump rope for at least 10 minutes. The World Health Organization defines the recommended physical activity levels for age groups: between 18 and 64 we recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week o 75 of vigorous activity (or equivalent combinations of the two) in sessions of at least 10 minutes at a time, with strengthening of the major muscle groups to be performed at least twice a week.
The extra tip: American pistachios are ideal to consume for post work-out recovery, since I am one "Complete protein", that is, they contain all 9 essential amino acids in adequate quantities that help muscle recovery after training.

A light and easy to digest dinner

An ideal menu for dinner? Two hundred grams of chickpeas, seared broccoli and two slices of rye or wholemeal bread accompanied by a handful of high-protein American pistachios leucine (one of the 9 essential amino acids) that are digested much more quickly and provide a good stimulus to muscle protein synthesis, to maintain a healthy weight even during the night.


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