Pumpkin milk: start the day with sweetness – Italian Cuisine

Pumpkin milk: start the day with sweetness



What if pumpkin couldn’t just be enjoyed in dishes such as risotto, lasagna, express or baked pasta, cakes and delicately flavored second courses?

In this recipe, where the main ingredient is autumn in all its forms, pumpkin comes in liquid form, to be enjoyed sip after sip in front of a good book or near a warm fireplace.

Pumpkin milk is an autumn drink that offers a trip to the American straw fields. Just one sip is enough to immerse yourself in the American dream par excellence, made up of houses with porches and leaves of a thousand colours.

The ingredients that make up the pumpkin cappuccino they are milk (also vegetable, in the vegan variant), a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg for flavor, half a cup of coffee and a dollop of whipped cream. The result is one hot cocktail of softness and originality.

Spiced pumpkin latte

Spicy at the right point, the pumpkin milk It looks like a cappuccino. Before adding the coffee it can be whipped to create the classic foam on the surface. Alternatively, the addition of the cream it will make this hot autumn drink even more delicious.


  • Pumpkin 150g
  • 200g milk (you can use any type of milk)
  • Cinnamon ΒΌ teaspoon
  • Nutmeg 1 pinch
  • Half cup coffee
  • Whipped cream to taste


Clean and cut the pumpkin into chunks, then boil it for 5-10 minutes or until tender. Blend with a blender to obtain a puree. In the meantime, let’s prepare the coffee. In a saucepan, combine 2 tablespoons of the pumpkin puree, the spices and the milk. Heat until almost boiling, then pour into a cup, top with coffee and garnish with whipped cream.


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