Tag: milk

Strawberry Ice Cream Without Milk – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Strawberry Ice Cream Without Milk


Lactose-free but without sacrificing taste? It’s not an impossible mission. Discover it thanks to this fresh and delicious dessert. The dairy free strawberry ice cream It is the perfect solution for those looking for a vegan alternative to classic ice cream. Creamy and rich in juicy strawberriesthis dessert will be the perfect proposal to refresh you on hot days.


Acne and nutrition: foods to avoid according to the dermatologist – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Raise your hand if you don’t have a whole series of clichés in mind about acne and nutrition, from the foods that cause it to “grandmother’s” solutions to cure it. But acne is serious, a skin problem that can cause psychological distress, blemishes and scarringand which therefore must be addressed with the help of a dermatologist.

This is why we asked the doctor Ines Mordente, surgeon, specialist in dermatology and specialized in acne, to clarify. In SOS Acne. The Skin Doctoron Real Time (channel 31, every Wednesday at 9.20pm), Ines Mordente meets patients with various dermatological problems, to guide them in the treatment of their skin pathologies.

Acne and nutrition: interview with Dr. Ines Mordente

Doctor, are there really foods that cause acne?
«Scientific literature tells us that some foods, those with a high glycemic index, increase the risk in acne-prone skin. It would therefore be good practice to avoid sugary, fried and cured foods. But, in particular, one type of food seems to promote acne.”

«Milk and dairy products, which seem to favor the production of sebum. Better to avoid them for those with acne-prone skin.”

But also the lactose-free ones?
«Yes, because the problem seems to be above all the presence of some proteins. Better to replace cow’s milk with vegetable drinks, such as almond or soy drinks, but always making sure that it has no added sugars.”

And the chocolate? It is said to cause acne. Is this really true or is it just a cliché?
«The problem is not dark chocolate, but milk chocolate, precisely because of the discussion we made before. In addition to containing milk, this chocolate contains many sugars: sweets have a high glycemic index. When we don’t eat properly, the bacteria naturally present in our body go into “dysbiosis”, which is an alteration in the composition and gene expression of the colonic microbiota with an increase in pro-inflammatory forms to the detriment of anti-inflammatory ones. The bacteria, however, must remain in synergy.”

Otherwise what happens?
«The symptoms of dysbiosis at the intestinal level are swelling and the sensation of air in the body, produced by unwanted bacterial fermentation. At a skin level, flushing (redness) or the appearance of acne, but also allergic dermatitis and some forms of eczema.”

So, which foods are best to choose to keep acne away?
«Antioxidant and detox substances are needed, with vitamin C and E, iron, zinc and copper to promote the natural balance of the skin and skin appendages. They are all nutrients that our Mediterranean diet provides us, which is varied and contains fruit, vegetables, fish, white meats and pasta. In the correct doses, it is a balanced diet that helps us to biochemically improve the blood sugar level.”


Protein smoothies for breakfast: 3 recipes to try – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


You are also looking for protein shakes for breakfast? We offer you three to start the day full of energy, all based on milk or yogurt. Three recipes to celebrate World Milk Day, which falls on June 1st, established by FAO to celebrate this much loved food. In fact, a survey carried out by AstraRicerche for the Alto Adige Dairy Federation revealed that 7 out of 10 Italians drink it habitually, followed by lovers of yoghurt (69.5%) and cheese.

Protein breakfast smoothies with milk, yogurt and fruit

You will find the smoothie recipes at the end of the article, and as you will see they are all very simple: preparations that even in the morning – when you feel like doing very little – you can manage without effort. If you drink cow’s milk (or yogurt) they are perfect for a balanced and healthy first meal of the day since they have a good protein base (given by milk or yogurt), combined with the complex sugars of fruit.

Alto Adige milk

The recipes are suggested to us by the Alto Adige Dairy Federation, of which only the following producers are members rules that guarantee animal welfare and the protection of biodiversity. It is produced with the milk of cows that live between 2000 and 8000 meters above sea level, which feed on fresh grass and hay from the mountain pastures, and arrives on our tables following a pre-GMO production chain. Not only that, it’s very fresh: the milk is processed the same day, and for this reason it is particularly rich in vitamins, omega 3 and functional fats. Furthermore, following the same chain, many products such as yogurt, cheese, mozzarella and butter are created under the same brand.

The history of milk in South Tyrol

A centuries-old tradition: there are documents that prove that already in the 13th and 14th centuries in Alto Adige there were numerous “Schwaigen”, traditional farms dedicated to breeding and milk production. Fun fact: they paid taxes to the landowner in the form of cheese. And even today, as in the past, the sector is a fundamental driving force for the local economy. Dairies are a solid and important reality in the economy of Alto Adige, and in the last year they have provided employment to over 1300 people.

Protein smoothie recipes for breakfast

IDM / South Tyrolean Dairy Federation / Klaus Peterlin

klaus peterlin

Protein smoothie with milk and blackberries

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 750 ml of whole milk
  • 1 cup blackberries
  • 2 small bananas


Puree the blackberries, bananas and milk in the blender and serve the drink.


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