Lemon meatballs and other goodies from Mamme del Borgo – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Lemon meatballs and other goodies from Mamme del Borgo


Lemon meatballs, but also Macaroni to the underwire, sauce alla norma and mimosa garden vegetables (sautéed with fresh egg). In the nestled village of Motta Camastra, in Sicily, the air is invaded by the celestial scents of these recipes. The female collective prepares them, with quick and skillful gestures The Mothers of the Village. We are in the heart of Sicily, close to the famous Gorges of Alcantarain a small town that is now sparsely inhabited (less than 500 people), brought back to the spotlight for the second time (the first was as a set for The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola), by the wit and skill of a group of ladies who in 2016 started a social enterprise. We at The Italian kitchen we tell you this story in issue on newsstands. We went to visit them and followed them in preparing an entire menu.

Their story is so beautiful that it flew beyond the walls of Motta Camastra and became a phenomenon, and Le Mamme del Borgo a reference for tourists passing through Sicily. So coveted that Marinagela Curròagronomist and creator of this initiative, was taken with her colleagues and friends to lead one of the experiences, or rather authentic experiences proposed by the Grand Hotel Timeo in Taormina (Belmond group), one of the oldest and most beautiful hotels on the island.

It works like this: you sign up on their portal and book for a cooking class for one of the small-medium groups they host. The lessons are held in the kitchen of one of the ladies, made available to the community and opening onto a small square, adorned with tables painted with feminine and feminist adages in Sicilian dialect. You have lunch under a canopy, among pots of aromatic herbs and lemon trees. A wonder to try on site or to make again at home, following their tasty recipes.

In the gallery the recipes of Le Mamme del Borgo


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