Tag: Water

Do you pay for water at a restaurant or bar? The lawyer answers – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Do you pay for water at the restaurant or bar? Except for bottled water, if it’s microfiltered or tap water, or just a glass, does it cost anything? Think, for starters, of the glass of water that accompanies the coffee at the counter. Different countries have different customs, it seems, also because not all bars serve water with coffee. Among those who do, there areis who applies a symbolic surcharge (it happens rarely, but it happens), then there are those who always serve it whenever you order an espresso, whether at the counter or at the table, without charging additional costs. Who is right?

Do you have to pay for the water that accompanies the coffee?

In short, do you pay for water at the restaurant or at the bar? «As far as bars are concerned, that glass of water that accompanies the espresso is a real form of courtesywidespread only in our country. If everyone does it their own way it is because there is no legal rule: Each business is free to decide whether to charge or not“, says the lawyer Alessandro Presicce, president of the Lecce section of Adoc (Association for the Defense and Orientation of Consumers). «What matters, for all drinks and foods offered by public establishments, and therefore also restaurants as well as bars, is that the cost is indicated on the menu, specifies the expert.

Can a bar force you to buy a bottle of water while refusing to give you a glass?

The issue of “water at the bar” is broader, however.and in reality it is independent of coffee. It sometimes happens that some bars do not serve water in glasses but only in bottles and the examples, although we trust that they are exceptions to the rule, are there. «Even in this case the public establishment is free to act as it deems fit because there is no legal provision regarding this matter: serving water in a glass as already mentioned remains a courtesy that the bar can decide or not to do. The moment it puts the cost of its products in black and white on the menu, it does not break any rules”, continues the lawyer Presicce.

Is there a limit to the cost of water?

«There is no difference between bottled, tap or microfiltered water: it is all left to the free marketand therefore customers are free to choose whether and what to buy, even if the prices are sometimes exaggerated”. Because – and this is certainly another exception – It also happens that water is charged at a high price, especially in the height of summer in tourist locations. The reason is simple, always the same: «There are no longer regulated prices, not even for water, specifies Alessandro Presicce.

Do you have to pay for tap water in restaurants?

And the tap water at the restaurant: “It must be paid if the restaurant decides to make us pay for it, and the important thing is that it always indicates the cost on the menu,” repeats Presicce. Of course, managers have to pay costs, even for tap or microfiltered water, which also requires a specific system and maintenance. But do these costs justify the prices we customers have to pay?

The hope is that something will change also because the European Union has expressly asked the member states to introduce ad hoc measures: the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation just approved by the European Commission calls for the implementation of policies that encourage public establishments, canteens and catering to serve tap or microfiltered water at a minimum price or for free in reusable containers. Of course, it is a much broader area than the one we started from, but it is a starting point for improvement anyway: if we consumers together with managers learned not to waste resources, we would all gain financially as well. In the meantime, the water that accompanies the coffee at the bar can still be an excellent exercise, as lawyer Presicce points out «Ask the bartender that the glass is made of glass: When the water that accompanies the coffee is served in disposable cups it is also a huge waste of resources.”

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Water coffee cream: grandfather’s coffee with zero calories – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Water-based coffee cream: Have you ever heard about it? It’s a smooth, amazing iced coffee that’s almost like magic. We all know grandfather’s coffee: enveloping, creamy, delicious. Are you among those who give it up because it is cream-based and you can’t digest it or are intolerant to lactose? We have good news for you: from today you will no longer have to give up the pleasure of grandfather’s coffee.

Well yes: you know that to obtain the same consistency as your grandfather’s coffee, that’s enough blend the ice with the coffee? In a few turns of the mixer you will have a cold, soft and delicious coffee cream, which promises to refresh you on the hottest days.

Two versions: with instant coffee or coffee in a cup

Water-based coffee cream can be prepared both with instant coffee and with coffee in a cup. In the first case the ingredients will be ice, water and instant coffee, in the second case only ice and cold coffee in a cup from the fridge. This is because to froth the ice you need a small percentage of water which, however, in the absence of instant coffee, can easily be replaced with a cup of good ground coffee.

Sugar? Only if you like it

Sugar it is not necessary at all. If you are used to drinking bitter coffee, you can make water cream by simply mixing ice, water and instant coffee in a blender (or ice and a cup of coffee left to cool in the refrigerator). Do you like it sweetened but not much? Follow our recipe. Prefer the sweetener? You can also use that to obtain a sweet water coffee cream, but still light: if you like stevia, try using it instead of sugar.

Is the classic or immersion blender better?

It can be done with both tools, but remember that ice could compromise the seal of your blender blades. The classic blender usually has larger and more resistant blades, immersion blender blades are smaller and more delicate. If you decide to use the immersion blender to prepare your water-based coffee cream, perhaps try breaking the ice into smaller fragments first.

My recipe for water-based coffee cream

Ingredients (for 2 cups)

  • Approximately 10 ice cubes
  • 1 cup of water (approximately 50 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of instant coffee
  • 2 level teaspoons of sugar (variable portion depending on taste)


  1. Place the ice cubes, a teaspoon of instant coffee, two level teaspoons of sugar and a cup of water in the blender. The equivalent of a cup of water is approximately 50 ml, but a lot also depends on the size of the ice used. If you notice that the mixture is struggling to whip, add water little at a time.
  2. Turn on the blender and continue at maximum speed until the mixture becomes light and fluffy. Place in cups and serve immediately.

The extra touch: to make it even tastier, sprinkle it with a little cocoa or cinnamon.


Is coconut water good for you? The nutrition expert answers – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Fresh, fragrant, sweet, refreshing and light: thecoconut water it would seem to be the ideal drink for the summer. Is it also good how you talk about it on social media? We asked the nutritional biologist Concetta Montagnese, researcher at the CNR Institute of Food Sciences. «Coconut water is that clear liquid contained in coconuts, fruits of the Cocos nucifera plant, in an early stage of maturation (no later than seven months), when it has not yet been absorbed by the pulp and when the nut is still green. The fruit – an oval drupe or a fleshy fruit, containing a single seed – must not be damaged: if it has these characteristics, it can contain between 200 and 1000 ml of liquid.”

What are the benefits of coconut water

The expert explains to us that coconut water is made up of 95% from water. «There are approximately 100 ml 2.5 grams of sugar: a modest amount. Coconut water is low in protein and fatwhich are almost absent, but it has a high content of potassium, sodium and magnesium and B vitamins and vitamin C. It contains no cholesterol, fiber, lactose or gluten. It is also suitable for celiacs and those intolerant to lactose.” Naturally, the benefits described are typical of the natural drink, that is, extracted directly from the walnut and bottled, without added sugars and artificial substances.

Coconut water is very thirst-quenching and, thanks to its rich potassium content, it is also a good rehydrator. In fact, it is used a lot by athletes: the low sugar content and the high quantity of potassium make it an ideal supplement after prolonged physical exercise. «There is a study conducted on a group of cyclists who used this drink during sports performances, explains Montagnese. «Even compared to other sports supplements, coconut water – to which sodium and carbohydrates had been added – gave very positive results.

Regarding health effects, studies have been conducted on rats which seem to demonstrate a beneficial effect on reduction of cardiovascular riskon the reduction of bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels and anti-inflammatory effects, “but targeted studies are needed to confirm these properties in humans too”.

Preliminary results of a study have shown that coconut water had anti-inflammatory effects in patients with ulcerative colitis (but always as an adjunct to therapy): «One hypothesis is that it has an important activity on the intestinal microbiotapromoting the growth of good bacteria”, says the nutritional biologist, who suggests trying adding it to smoothies or shakes, or to prepare porridge.

Does coconut water make you lose weight?

Many of the virtues attributed to it, however – from the ability to make people lose weight to that of increasing the sense of satiety – have not been scientifically proven.

What are the contraindications of coconut water?

Are there any contraindications? «Due to the nutrients it contains, intake should be avoided in cases of kidney failureand the Italian Kidney Foundation suggests its cautious use even in healthy subjects because it increases urinary potassium”, says Montagnese, “The key word is always the moderation: containing so many minerals, even coconut water could alter the balance of the body.”


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