Paride Vitale: «My Abruzzo, as a good Abruzzo ultra – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Paris Vitale he is one of the most skilled (and loved) PR people in Milan, a mass mobilizer with his unconventional ideas, an entrepreneur, a television personality. He triumphed in the 2022 edition of Beijing Express paired with Victoria Cabello and, always with her, he led Crazy trips. But first of all Paride Vitale is a proud Abruzzo native Castel di Sangroand for this reason he is now also a writer: his has just come out Of love and Abruzzo (Cairo), a guide that contains everything you would like a friend to tell you about this region yet to be discovered.

The book was born for this: for friends. To answer once and for all (perhaps) the questions of those who, about to travel, call Paride Vitale to find out where to go, what to do and what to eat. All in five chapters – dedicated to National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise; to Gran Sasso and the villages; The Majella, the ski slopes and the wines – for a beautiful journey from the mountains to the sea full of history and stories, including that of the author who was born in these areas and returns whenever he can. «I told about my Abruzzo, my memories, the places I like. Basically what I do on a daily basis, because there are so many people who ask me for advice on my region, as if it were Malawi!”, says Paride Vitale. «Seriously, it was nice. Indeed, a dream. And also an opportunity to do what I like best: I often return to Abruzzo, and every time I try to discover something new.”

Interview with Paride Vitale

What did you discover new about Abruzzo while writing the book?
«So many stories. The chapter on wines, for example, is full of anecdotes, realities that for me, being from Abruzzo, were not known at all. All the wineries and wine families that I mention are journeys within a journey: I knew their products, but I didn’t know that they were in crazy places, in villas or castles where it is also possible to stop and sleep for a weekend or, in any case, near of areas that allow a different itinerary”.

What makes Abruzzo special?
«It is a region that maintains a strong authenticity, and it is surprising: a place where you turn the corner and find yourself faced with wonderful places that you would never have expected. For example, during the classic excursion to Rocca Calascio, in the Gran Sasso Park, the Oratory of San Pellegrino in Bominaco (fraction of Caporciano, L’Aquila) is worth a stop: there is the largest and best preserved collection of frescoes of Europe that date back to 1200 (they call it the Sistine Chapel of Abruzzo, ed.). Another example: taking a canoe tour on the Tirino river, crossing landscapes that seem to have come out of The Lord of the Ringsyou can stop on the route at the Cataldi Madonna cellars, where the typical white wine of the Marche and Abruzzo was born: Pecorino”.


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