Tag: break

10 Healthy Snacks to Break Hunger Between Main Meals – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Healthy Snacksbut no less delicious, on the contrary. And also quite easy to prepare, because sometimes we complicate our lives a little. So many ingredients, elaborate preparations and consistencies that we are not used to, and we end up abandoning that healthy snack for a more convenient bag of chips or a snack. What if the solution was among the foods we always have in the refrigerator and pantry? Sometimes all you need is a slice of bread, some raw vegetables and a square of chocolate. Here are 10 healthy, simple and delicious snacks.

Healthy Snacks: 10 Tasty and Healthy Ideas

1. Dried fruit

Do you love dried fruit? Know that it is an excellent snack. It provides energy and many good nutrients. 10 almonds or hazelnuts or three shelled walnuts: these are the ideal portions for a light snack between meals.

2. Bread and jam

A slice of wholemeal bread (30 g) and a teaspoon of jam are a good idea. Less than 100 calories, many childhood memories and the pleasant feeling of having eaten a sweet treat.

3. Bread and cheese

Cut a slice of fresh bread and spread it with light cheese. Cottage cheese and spreads are fine, just don’t overdo it. And if you want to make it more delicious, serve it with half a teaspoon of honey and a chopped walnut, or with tomatoes for a savory version.

4. Bread and ham

30 g of wholemeal or cereal bread can be accompanied by two slices of bresaola, lean cooked ham or sliced ​​turkey.

5. Bread and honey

A slice of toast and a teaspoon of honey. This simple combination creates one of the tastiest healthy snacks. And if you reduce the amount of honey, you can indulge in a crunchy decoration like almond flakes.

6. Low-fat yogurt

A low-fat yogurt is a good idea to stave off hunger. Choose it plain, perhaps accompanied by a handful of berries such as blueberries, currants and raspberries.

7. Popcorn

Well yes, popcorn is low in calories. But to include it among healthy snacks we must prepare it at home without adding fat and without overdoing it with salt, which is not healthy. A portion of 20 g of corn kernels per person will be enough.

8. Crudités

Prepare a portion with a carrot, a celery stalk and half a fennel. For the sauce, be satisfied with half a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to emulsify with vinegar or lemon juice.

9. Hummus

A taste of hummus is a good idea between meals. Eat it spread on a slice of toasted bread (preferably whole wheat).

10. Dark chocolate

A small square of chocolate will please even the most greedy. Choose dark chocolate – 80% is ideal – and if you want, combine it with 20 grams of wholemeal bread and a small portion of fruit.


Schiscetta in winter: how to make the break more delicious – Italian Cuisine

Schiscetta in winter: how to make the break more delicious


In the Milanese dialect it is known as "schiscetta": and the lunch box that students and workers take around with them for an economic taste break. It is simply an airtight plastic, metal food container with several compartments, established in common parlance in Lombardy and in much of the north. In the capital, however, it is better known as "fagottaro", while in the south, especially between Calabria and Sicily, it is called "truscia" (bundle that contains a frugal meal). But, as often happens with linguistic evolution, the literal meaning has incorporated the semantic one and so today by "schiscetta" we mean the contents of the lunch box itself.

The schiscetta: from its origins to today

The curious term "schiscetta" derives from the Milanese dialect "schiscià", Or to crush, precisely because the food was originally crushed inside the container. In fact, initially, before the company canteens could feed the workers, it was up to the wives to prepare the schiscetta, a metal box that contained the leftovers from the night before, for their husbands. Just like the wife of Marcovaldo, the protagonist of the famous short story by Italo Calvino (contained in the collection Marcovaldo, or the seasons in the city) who prepares the "dish" (as the writer defines it) for the laborer consort. But today the schiscetta no longer identifies only the worker's lunch break. Indeed, more and more employees and students (for convenience, savings and even health) prefer to bring food from home.

The schiscetta in winter: what to bring to the office

However, while in summer you can take advantage of the hot season to eat something fresh, such as salads and cold first courses (rice salad, vegetable and chicken couscous, cold pasta, etc.), in winter preparing the schiscetta is more complex. especially if you do not have the possibility to reheat food. What to bring to the office then?

4 suggestions for the winter schiscetta

For a typically winter schiscetta to be enjoyed without using the microwave, you can choose to combine seasonal ingredients in a creative and fanciful way, so as not to give up taste but without weighing down the stomach during working hours. Here are some suggestions.

Savory pies

The savory pie is an "evergreen" preparation: you can prepare it according to your tastes with cold cuts, cheeses or seasonal vegetables. Just buy a roll of puff pastry (or shortcrust pastry), prick it and stuff it as you prefer. If you choose vegetables, however, make sure that they are well dry, so that they do not soften the pastry too much. Also remember that the quiche cannot be kept in the fridge until the time of the lunch break, so for the filling, opt for long-life or cooked ingredients. We offer you our savory pie with spinach, gorgonzola and hazelnuts and the savory pumpkin pie.

Homemade sandwich

Homemade bread is much more genuine and nutritious and can be stuffed in different ways. For a quick break at the office, for example, you could eat two slices of homemade wholemeal bread with walnuts with salami (or other cured meats) and a side of grilled vegetables. Alternatively, if you buy bread at the bakery, choose one with natural leavening, cereals, with sesame or poppy seeds, which is more digestible. The lunch break will be well balanced on a nutritional level.

Fast food sandwiches

If you are a lover of fast food sandwiches and you absolutely do not want to give up a good hamburger sandwich, prepare it at home. Just choose a loaf of soft bread, grill the pork (or chicken) hamburger, add a few slices of cheese and 2-3 dried tomatoes in oil.

Winter first courses

There is also plenty of space for first courses with seasonal ingredients that can also be enjoyed at room temperature, such as quinoa with broccoli, ginger and trio of sprouts or orzotto with apples, turnips and walnuts. Just prepare the dish the night before, let it cool and then store it in the lunch box.


break with the snack (but without getting fat!) – Italian Cuisine

break with the snack (but without getting fat!)


Being so many hours in front of the computer makes you hungry, especially if you work from home, get bored a bit and the fridge is always at hand. Here are 5 tasty and light snacks

When you work from home, smart working, it is very difficult to keep your concentration level high and keep it at bay want to continually open the refrigerator.
That's why we want to suggest you some light and tasty snack, suitable for appeasing the sense of hunger and perfect for finding the right energy to devote to work.

5 meals a day every day

Don't forget that 5 meals a day are essential whether you work outside the home or at home.
So never skip breakfast, lunch and dinner, but neither do you mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks.
You can also have more snacks a day if you feel the need, but choose carefully what to eat.
Dried fruit, fresh fruit, a yogurt, fresh vegetables, a cube of chocolate they are all things that are part of a normal diet, balanced and correct, but do not exceed in quantities, especially if yours is not hungry, but simply boredom or anxiety.
To appease nervous hunger always sip a herbal tea fragrant and spicy and unsweetened.

Light snacks, but with a taste for smart working

Here are a few quick recipes to be prepared when the stomach grumbles a little and is not satisfied with a simple fruit, but wants to be a little pampered.
Just turn what we usually consume as a snack into something more inviting.
Take a few more minutes to prepare and consume these dishes and your sense of satiety will accompany you for longer.
And then remember that the eye also wants its part, so set the table even for a snack and do not eat in front of the computer.

Yogurt and chocolate

What seems like a slightly excessive idea for a snack because it looks like anything but a yogurt is actually the ideal option for those who are hungry and want something good, but not too heavy in terms of nutrients.
A protein concentrate with few fats and few sugars, if not those of dark chocolate.
How do you prepare this sort of mousse?
Very simple, just dissolve 20 g of 75% dark chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath and let it cool for a few minutes.
Then, in a large bowl, mix everything with a pack of Greek yogurt white and thin.
The quantity of chocolate proposed is the ideal one to consume throughout the day, so rest assured even if you follow a low-calorie diet!
Decorated with coconut flakes if you like them or with a sprinkling of cocoa and enjoy!

Edamame cream

The edamame they are soy beans that are eaten in Japanese restaurants, but which you can now buy in all supermarkets in frozen bags.
They are prepared steamed or simply by heating the closed bag in the microwave for a few minutes.
Once cooled you can consume them with a pinch of salt and munch on them naturally, or you can prepare this spread cream on whole wheat croutons or to accompany raw vegetables in pinzimonio.
Blend the edamame with a handful of pine nuts or almonds peel, a little water, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and then use this sort of hummus as a snack, but also as a sauce for a pasta or a sandwich.
It is a healthy and light idea, rich in protein and nutritionally balanced.
You can also enrich the edamame cream with grated Parmesan and aromatic herbs such as and fresh basil or mint.

Black cabbage chips and pumpkin and sweet potato sticks

These two ideas are perfect for an afternoon snack that feels a bit like an aperitif.
Turn on the oven and in a few minutes you will have crunchy vegetables to munch on.
To prepare the black cabbage chips simply wash the leaves and then cut the softer part.
Dry well, season with very little oil, salt and spices to taste and cook everything in the oven at 180 ° for 5 minutes. If some leaves are still soft, let them cook a little longer.
The pumpkin and potato chips desserts are prepared like baked potatoes, but in the shape of a stick.
Peel the potatoes and the pumpkin, cut everything in thick enough sticks, then season with oil and salt and cook in the oven at 200 ° for about 20 minutes.
You can enjoy these vegetables with a cream made from low-fat white yogurt, lemon juice, chives or mint, mustard, salt and pepper.

Spoon avocado

According to nutritionists, an avocado a day would be a cure-all for our well-being.
We don't want to suggest the classic avocado toast that more than a snack is a single meal, but we want to offer you a very simple and quick idea.
Cut an avocado in half keeping the peel, extract the seed and season with oil, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Then scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon and enjoy your healthy and energy-rich snack with super good fats.

Cooked fruit

Often in diets a fruit is indicated as a snack, but the idea of ​​the apple cut into wedges or nibbles, of the banana and the orange does not put you in a good mood that's why we want to offer you fruit-based snacks yes, but slightly more inviting and equally healthy.
There cooked apple, for example, often underestimated. Take a beautiful apple of the quality you prefer, wash it, dry it and take it only in a core with the special scoop, or cut it in half.
Place it in a baking dish with parchment paper and drizzle it with the juice of an orange or lemon.
Season with a handful of sliced ​​almonds or walnuts, a sprinkling of cinnamon and a little brown sugar. Bake at 200 ° for about 15 minutes. Eat the apple when it is lukewarm and you will find that it is not exactly a hospital dessert as you imagined!
Bananas and oranges, on the other hand, are excellent caramelised in a panto.
Cut the bananas in half lengthwise and cook them with a little brown sugar and a little lemon juice. Also in this case abound with cinnamon and when they are golden brown taste them maybe with a spoonful of yogurt.
The same applies to oranges, which must be cut in section, with or without peel, deprived of seeds and caramelized also with a drop of Marsala. In addition to cinnamon, in this case you can use star anise.

If you are working from home and you no longer know how to satisfy the desire for something good, browse the gallery!


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