Tag: Short

"Wastopia", the animated short poetic about food waste – Italian Cuisine

"Wastopia", the animated short poetic about food waste


What if our waste comes to life, becoming melancholy and tender creatures? The animated short Wastopia excites us and opens our eyes to the environmental consequences of food waste

Imagine drinking a soft drink and throwing the can on the ground, contributing to the problem of environmental pollution and waste disposal. How would you feel if you knew that that can, once thrown away, came to life, transforming itself into a harmless little creature with sweet and melancholy eyes, forced to live hard in a parallel universe populated by the waste of mankind? It is in this surreal scenario that it transports us Wastopia, the animated poetic short by the Chinese Qianhui Yu transplanted to London, which wants to excite, but above all to reflect on climate change and on the ecological consequences of our actions.

Journey into the fantastic universe populated by our waste

Qianhui Yu, director and animator of the short, has always had the problem of waste, food and otherwise, and the environmental impact of waste disposal and the consumerism excessive in recent decades. Unlike many films and documentaries that deal with the subject, however, he decided to give his animation a different cut, much less raw and more emotional, perhaps also suitable for children. For Wastopia has in fact developed a universe of characters who first of all aroused empathy and tenderness in the viewer, making the bitter pill of the dramatic environmental issue sweeter.
As she herself stated, anthropising man's waste aims to "instill a sense of emotional attachment to them", and make us not only appreciate more what we eat, but at the same time make us reflect on what we throw away .

What if the leftover food and garbage have feelings?

In the fantastic world of Wastopia we find characters as tender as they are sad: from the plastic bottle that has the appearance of a sickly fish to the dreamy and nostalgic banana peels. Between rainbows, picnics and roller coasters, surreal and depressing scenarios stand out, with a clear reference to the paintings of Salvador Dalí and Hieronymus Bosch. The visual impact of the short film and the original characterization of the animated waste, excite and shake conflicting feelings, leading the viewer to re-evaluate the responsibility for one's role as a consumer in society.

Photo: Wastopia (frame).


Do you want pasta? 30 short recipes – Italian Cuisine


Penne, trofie, farfalle, fusilli and much more. Here is a collection of good pasta recipes to skewer and enjoy forkful after forkful

A dip in the bluest sea. A walk uphill and a light return downhill. The discovery of an ancient village or the simple desire to enjoy the city now that it is still empty. In August there are really many things to do to fill our days and live the holidays. A little bit'. Far from stress, from the usual habits. But something remains. And it is there uncontrollable craving for pasta. With tomato, with vegetables, with fish, with meat or in white. Yes in white. Provided it is pasta.
Simple, comforting, full of memories and flavors that know how to pamper us. And if yesterday we screwed spaghetti with seafood on our fork, indulging our desire for sand, sunsets and waves with every bite, today we cut short. But only in terms of pasta. Perfect to collect the sauce, to be served cold or in a salad, it stimulates our desire for a good first course. How to say no?

But let's start from sauce. The tomato one, simple. That makes farfalle juicier, penne unforgettable and clings elegantly to fresh pasta. So pleasantly rough, porous and ancient. The one that traditionally it is prepared in August and enjoyed all year round.
Here is our recipe:

And if you had something different in mind for your short pasta, don't worry. In our gallery below is a collection of 30 recipes that will captivate you. With oil and garlic, with clams, but also with peppers, tuna, bacon, aubergines and ricotta. Long live the summer!

Browse the gallery


Short pastry teaspoons – Italian Cuisine

»Short pastry teaspoons


Place the flour and sugar in a bowl, make a hole in the center and add the eggs and butter in small pieces.
Start kneading, then add the spices and cocoa.
Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for 1 hour.

Once the rest is over, resume the pastry and roll it out in a sheet of about 3 mm, then cut the teaspoons.

As they are ready, place the teaspoons on the baking sheet covered with parchment paper, a little away from each other.
Then cook for about 15 minutes or until golden brown at 180 ° C in a preheated ventilated oven.

The teaspoons of shortcrust pastry are ready, you just need to let them cool well before serving.


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