apple and cinnamon tart, autumnal flavors at the table – Italian Cuisine

apple and cinnamon tart, autumnal flavors at the table


There apple and cinnamon tart it is a dessert made with shortcrust pastry, thinly sliced ​​fresh apples and a generous dose of cinnamon, which gives it a unique flavor and aroma. The combination of these ingredients creates a delicious dessert, which lends itself perfectly to being enjoyed either alone or accompanied by a ball of vanilla ice cream or a generous spoonful of whipped cream. There vegan recipe which we propose today is particularly suitable for autumn, when apples are abundant and reach their peak flavor and freshness. It can be served on various occasions, as a dessert after a lunch or dinner, or as a dessert for a special breakfast. It’s also a great addition to a brunch or party buffet. Apple tart is a preparation that has deep roots in the culinary tradition of many regions of the world, including America, Europe and Asia. The combination of fruit and spicy flavors has been enjoyed in many cuisines for centuries, and each region may have its own unique interpretation of this dessert. Furthermore, this dessert offers significant nutritional benefits. Apples are one source of fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants. Cinnamon is known for its potentials anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ready to cook with us? Don’t hesitate to put on your apron and give vent to your imagination to make an irresistible apple and cinnamon tart.


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