Tag: apple

Apple cake without butter: Soft and tasty recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Apple cake without butter: Soft and tasty recipe


There Apple pie it is a dessert that evokes childhood memories, the scent of home and moments of conviviality with the family. It is a timeless classic of Homemade pastry, a simple dessert but rich in flavor, capable of conquering at the first taste. This version without butter it is a light and equally delicious variant, ideal for those who follow a careful diet or for those who simply want to indulge in a dessert without feeling guilty.

The softness of applesthe delicate aroma of lemon and the balanced sweetness of the dough blend together to create a dessert fluffy And tasty, which maintains all the goodness of the traditional recipe while being lighter. The lack of butter, in fact, does not affect the goodness of the final result, but rather gives the cake a particular consistency soft and a flavour delicate which enhances the flavor of apples.

Perfect for breakfast, a snack or to end a meal on a sweet note, the apple pie without butter it is a simple dessert to prepare but capable of conquering everyone, adults and children. It can be served alone, or accompanied by a cup of tea or coffee, for a moment of pure pleasure.


Recipe Russian salad with apple mayonnaise – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Russian salad with apple mayonnaise


We have prepared an original version of the classic Russian salad using hard-boiled eggs And carrots, potatoes and broccoli like vegetables, all mixed together by one green apple mayonnaise. The dish is vegetarian and can be served as appetizers or, in larger portions, as second.

The preparation is quite simple: you will first have to make the mayonnaise with an immersion blender with corn oil, egg, lemon, salt and green apple juice, then cut into dice the boiled eggs and the boiled vegetables and season everything with mayonnaise. The dish is completed with apple green cut into thin rounds and with toasted bread triangles.

Also discover these recipes: Classic Russian salad, Russian salad with quail and lumpfish eggs, Peck’s Russian Salad, Olivier salad with cooked ham.


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