Tag: apple

Grandma’s apple pie (by Davide Nanni): recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Listen to the story of Davide Nanni’s grandmother’s apple pie it makes you think that destiny can really decide for you, and that some beautiful stories are already written. «It was one of the first desserts I made with it Grandma Dalia, for me the sweet magician, one of the few that I ate as a child, and the one that earned me success” says the chef, food influencer (@davidenanni) and beloved television face. «It was September 13, 2023 when I published the recipe on Instagram, and a moment later the followers began to grow dramatically for the first time. All while I was going to Rome to shoot my first episode of It’s always midday Of Antonella Clerici: the Rai1 program in which my grandmother always dreamed of seeing me” he says again without hiding his emotion, explaining to us why grandmother Dalia’s apple pie is among the most significant of his first book.

Davide Nanni’s book

It’s called a By feeling. My free, sincere, wild cuisine (Mondadori): an autobiography in which this young chef who became famous for his dishes cooked in the woods with technique and creativity (as well as for his friendliness), tells how he managed to become what he is today.

The story of Davide Nanni

The book traces the life of Davide Nanni a Castrovalvaa very small town in Abruzzo in the province of L’Aquila, where he now manages the family farm – the Eagle’s Nest Inn – and where he began to develop a passion for cooking. All thanks to her family: al grandfather Angelo, shepherd, who took him to the mountains as a child, teaching him the trade and the art of making do by eating delicious things everywhere, to grandmother Dalia, to his parents who never stopped encouraging him, to his stubbornness. A frank first-person story in which Davide Nanni alternates the “wild” recipes from the forest that made him popular first on social media and then on TV, with more elaborate dishes that tell the story of his way of being a chef to «make others happy . Last but not least there are the home recipeslike Grandma Dalia’s apple pie.


Recipe Creamy polenta foil with apple ragout and sausage, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Step 1

Peel the shallots and cut them thinly. Brown them in a pan with 5 sage leaves, 1 clove of garlic and the butter; add the peeled and diced apple, cook over high heat, stirring, for 5 minutes. Remove the garlic and set the apples aside. In the same pan, still on high heat, brown the sausage cut into 2 cm pieces for 5-7 minutes. Chop 2 lemon peels, a sprig of parsley and very little rosemary. Add to the sausage, leave to flavor for 1 minute and turn off the heat. Add the apples to the sausage and keep warm.

Step 2

Bring 1.5 liters of water to the boil with 1 bay leaf and 1/2 cinnamon stick, add salt, pour in the foil flour and continue mixing with a whisk until it starts boiling again. Lower the heat and continue cooking for 50 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and add the cream, mixing with the whisk.

Step 3

Serve the polenta piping hot, accompanying it with the sausage and its sauce.

Recipe: Walter Pedrazzi, Photo: Davide Maestri, Styling: Beatrice Prada


Apple and longevity: how to use the fruit of health in the kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Just like the wines, in the Val Venosta Apple recipe book, each variety of apple is combined with other ingredients both to enhance its nutritional effects and to enhance its flavour. To begin with, as an aperitif, you will find the recipe for an infusion of green tea and Pinova apple, which is characterized by floral notes and a balance of sweetness and acidity. Why were they put together? «The apple allows you to absorb 100% of epigallocatechin from green teaan important polyphenol, its absorption is significantly reduced if tea is combined, as is often done, with milk” explains Dr. Manzi.

How to use apples to reduce sugars

As an appetizer, then, there is a caponata with artichokes, celery, tomato and Red Delicious apples, used in this mix because with their typical sweetness they perfectly balance the ingredients of the recipe which otherwise generally requires the use of sugar. Another idea? Among the dishes on the menu, tried for you in Bologna in Dr. Manzi’s restaurant, we particularly appreciated black black rice with Granny Smith apple and hazelnutsin a heart-friendly combination that combines the antioxidant protection of vitamin E from hazelnuts with the potassium of apple.

What to pair apples with in savory dishes

«The apple is the food of health, a superfood, and with the right combinations its effects can be enhanced explains Dr. Manzi. «In general I suggest accompanying it with other heart-friendly foods such as fish and dried fruit. They are rich in good fats and combined with potassium and apple pectin they are a decidedly winning mix.” Blood sugar? «The apple, like all fruits, contains sugar, but in quantities well mixed with fiber and water. Eaten fresh, in small quantities, it does not cause spikes. Furthermore, with the right combinations, it also helps to reduce absorption.”

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