Tag: avoid

Insomnia tips: foods to avoid – Italian Cuisine

Insomnia tips: foods to avoid

From habits that promote sleep to foods that relax and help you sleep better. Here are the solutions to fight insomnia and return to rest well

Sleeping better is the desire of many. The numbers say it. Almost half of Italians occasionally suffer from insomnia and have difficulty sleeping at night. Wrong lifestyles are often the cause of the problem. From the incorrect diet to bad habits that can delay falling asleep and encourage early awakenings in the morning. «Sleep is a protective factor against various pathologies, as well as regenerating for body and mind. Excessive consumption of exciting substances such as theine and caffeine, for example, contained in coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, can hinder it by preventing or disturbing the correct rest ", explains the nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. But what to do to stay away from the problem? On the occasion of the World Sleep Day (World Spleep Day), which is celebrated on March 13 this year, here is the sleeping routine to follow to sleep better.

In the morning, always wake up at the same time and stay in the sun

A good habit to regularize rest, especially if you are having difficulty falling asleep is to always wake up at the same time in the morning. It helps to give regularity to the internal clock of our body. To regularize the sleep-wake rhythm, it can be useful to take long walks in the open air. "Exposure to sunlight favors the production of serotonin, a precursor of melatonin, a hormone that induces and maintains sleep. It then stimulates the production of vitamin D, which is in turn involved in the production of melatonin, "explains the nutritionist.

For lunch and dinner, choose foods rich in tryptophan

To avoid compromising your ability to fall asleep during the day, give space in the daily menus to foods that promote relaxation. "Whole grains and legumes for example are a source of tryptophan, a precursor of the serotonin hormone that lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone that on the contrary promotes agitation," says the expert. «Yes, then to essential fatty acids. They are involved in the production of hormones that regulate the sleep-wake rhythm. For example, walnuts, extra virgin olive oil and fish are excellent sources, especially blue ones such as sardines, mackerel, herring and salmon. "

Exercise in the afternoon

Playing sports especially in the open air stimulates the synthesis of endorphins and serotonin. The ideal is to practice it in the morning or early afternoon rather than in the evening. "The circulating adrenaline produced through training could hinder sleep and encourage wakefulness," explains the expert.

Before going to bed just relax

The evening is the time of day when the battle against insomnia is fought more than others. «For dinner, bet on a plate made with whole grains. Brown rice, for example, is a source of tryptophan and B vitamins, which promote relaxation. The ideal is to combine it with seasonal vegetables that contain potassium and magnesium. These minerals present in abundance in spinach, lettuce promote relaxation. Before going to bed to facilitate rest, yes also to a herbal tea or an infusion based on hawthorn or mallow. It helps to relax body and mind ", explains nutritionist Nicoletta Bocchino. Finally, a couple of hours before going to bed avoid using your smartphone and in general all electronic devices. The blue and white light favors the waking state.

In the gallery you will find 5 foods to avoid in the evening to sleep better

Buffet: expert advice to avoid bacteria – Italian Cuisine

Buffet: expert advice to avoid bacteria

The buffets can be a real receptacle for pitfalls and bacteria. Let's go then to discover four types of food that experts advise to avoid

It will have happened to you at least once in your life to experience some more or less serious malaise after eating in a buffetbe it in a public place, in a private party or inside catering or refreshments for events or special occasions. Beyond the quantities of food that are often abused in these situations, the real problem is represented by its poor quality and basic rules of hygiene and food safety that too often are ignored by those who cook, organize and set up the buffet.

In the United States, the problem has recently been solved due to the alarming data collected. Indeed, it has been discovered that every year 1 in 6 Americans is subject to food poisoning caused by buffet foods that are altered or contaminated with bacteria. Industry experts, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention association, have therefore decided to draw up a handbook with the aim of providing some basic tips to follow, but above all a list of food at risk that consumers would do well to avoid in buffets.

1. Raw meat, seafood and eggs in contact with other foods

It must first be said that the impact on the presence of bacteria in food isincorrect storage of food. For example, it is essential that poultry, seafood, eggs and raw meat are kept in the fridge and served separately from other foods such as fruit, vegetables, bread and salad.

2. Raw or undercooked food

Not only storage, but also cooking can cause bacterial contamination in buffets. During the preparation phase, in fact, it should be checked with a food thermometer that the food has been cooked at a temperature high enough to kill the germs present, just as the correct cooking times should always be followed carefully. So when we participate in a buffet, we must carefully observe the dishes served and check that they do not have less cooked parts than others. For the same reason, all foods that should be served and consumed raw, such as, are also considered at risk raw meat and fish.

3. Food with a color and a suspicious appearance

Although the bacteria are not detectable at a glance, the appearance of the dishes can tell us a lot not only about cooking, but also about subsequent storage. These, once ready, should in fact be left to rest, but without staying too long out of the fridge, just to prevent them from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. For this the experts recommend to observe that the buffet foods have a uniform color and appearance, that they are intact and not withered and, of course, that they have an unaltered taste and smell.

4. Food potentially contaminated during the buffet

Sometimes, unfortunately, managing, cooking and storing food may not be enough to ensure that it is safe for our health. In fact, another risk factor is represented by unhygienic practices of the buffet diners. Contamination can in fact take place when customers use the same ladle to take portions of different foods or even their hands or their own cutlery. If you notice this type of behavior it is therefore preferable to notify the staff and also report the problem to the offender on duty.

We just have to pay attention to this type of food, prefer dry and less risky foods and learn to be good observers, both in buffets and in the restaurant sector in general.

The 5 foods to avoid in order not to gain weight easily – Italian Cuisine

Does the diet work poorly and are extra pounds your problem? Find out which foods are best avoided in order not to risk gaining weight

Do you easily gain weight and do the extra pounds struggle to leave? You probably make some mistakes. It often depends on some bad habits that you have at the table such as excessive consumption of simple sugars. "They give the body easily available energy and stimulate excessive insulin production. This hormone promotes a faster accumulation of fats and facilitates the sudden hunger attacks often responsible for extra pounds, "says the nutritionist Giulia Vincenzo , which here suggests a series of tailor-made tips for those who tend to gain weight easily.

The foods that help

«Fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, legumes and whole grains are excellent allies of the line. Satiate and slow down the absorption of sugars and fats. Even those that contain proteins (lean meat, fish, eggs etc.) and essential fatty acids (dried fruit, extra virgin olive oil etc.) can help to combat sudden hunger and extra pounds. In addition to giving satiety, they promote the proper functioning of the metabolism and help burn carbohydrates, proteins and fats better, "says the expert.

Food is not

«If you tend to gain weight easily, stay away from the simple sugars contained in snacks, biscuits, sweets, carbonated and sugary drinks and junk food in general. Also, limit the quantities of those contained in fruit. They are quickly absorbed by the body and promote excess production of insulin, the hormone that regulates hunger ", explains nutritionist Giulia Vincenzo.

In the gallery, the foods to stay away from in order not to gain weight easily

Do you get fat easily? The 5 best foods to stay away from
Do you get fat easily? The 5 best foods to stay away from.

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