Tag: smell

How to eliminate the fried smell from the kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


How to eliminate the fried smell from the kitchen

Have you fried the aubergines? The fish? Chicken? French fries? The zeppole? The arancini? The croquettes? We imagine everything was delicious, but also that there was something left in the house fried smell which is not entirely pleasant, especially if it has flooded too the hall, the rooms, the curtains, your clothes, even the staircase of the condominium risking that some annoyed neighbors will report you?

Fried smell, I don’t fear you!

If you’re wondering how to prevent all this the next time you prepare some fried delicacy, here it is six tips to follow to avoid that, even after a few days, upon entering the house it is understood that you have fried something. From opening windows and closing doors to how to absorb odors naturally, browse the gallery and discover all the possible remedies!


fish is like meat, and after four days it doesn't smell – Italian Cuisine


Dry aging of fish is the new frontier. Which can also be tasted at Trattoria Da Lucio, in Rimini. Where they do everything from fish, including offal, they dry it and cook it on the grill

The future of seafood is not fresh fish. Too delicate and difficult to keep, it requires daily work and raises costs. Better to hang it, keep it and make sure that its duration is prolonged; achieving flavors and textures never experienced before. Other than a lively eye, tenacious scales and the scent of the sea. Large fish, properly gutted and stored at the right humidity, last for tens of days, lose the typical "fishy" smell and have a firmer, tender and tasty flesh. «It is normal for us that meat should hang. That it can hang for a long time, even 60, 90 days, is now established. That it can be done with fish still sounds like a heresy ". To say it is Jacopo Ticchi, chef and partner of the Trattoria Da Lucio restaurant in Rimini who, after years of seasons in Romagna, flew to Australia and then spent years at Joia, the starred vegetarian restaurant in Milan. That of the dry aged fish it is now a global movement, with exponents experimenting from Los Angeles to New Zealand, sushi bars that serve it as a delicacy and techniques that have now come down to us. It was thanks to a book called The Whole Fish (translated into Italian by Giunti, The big fish book), written by the Australian Josh Niland, soul of Fish Butchery, the first "fish butcher". You can find it on the shelf of the Trattoria Da Lucio, next to the Noma book.

Trattoria Da Lucio, Rimini

Sea Rimini ask where to eat, the answer is quite unique: Trattoria Da Lucio. But when you hear about them you think of a classic place, of those with checkered tablecloths or, at most, set up with American paper straw. A good thing, in short. Instead, they just changed location (due to Covid) and occupied a hotel restaurant, one of those modern waterfront hotels with glass balconies and arguably contemporary design. In front: a games room, alongside: the bridge illuminated by day with blue and white neon. It is Rimini Rimini, but not what it once was. They are young and look like fish out of water in a room obviously not theirs, elegantina, in which, however, they offer contemporary, genuine and tasty cuisine. And in the end, you also forget the spotlights on the ceiling and the double access to the outside and to the three-star lobby. The black and white photos on the walls and the books are the only decoration that betrays their true nature, together with the menu, evidently taken from the old restaurant: tasting for € 65 and a short but incisive menu to choose from: raw, embers, first courses, side dishes. It is evident that this is not the usual place for spaghetti with clams and mixed fried food, strictly frozen, of the copy & paste menus that are repeated for the Riviera.

Raw, tripe and first courses

Raw, like a plateau classic, and then the dry aged cuts, such as sea bream fillets, croaker, sea bass caught and served with a salt of oil, vinegar and shallot. Grilled seabed mussels, oil, lemon and parsley. Grilled octopus salad comes with mushrooms and trevisana, freshly seared cuttlefish with lard and squacquerone and traditional brodetto, cooked in cast iron next to the fire. Menu item dedicated to fish offal such as brioche with monkfish liver, peaches and onion, Heart of tuna, sweet garlic and tomato, the Tuna tripe, delicious, with brown base and tomato sauce, in which to make scarpetta. Among the first courses, Risotto au gratin with raw mussels and bottarga, very fine Cappelletti stuffed with sea urchins and bottarga, lightly smoked and seasoned with cream, and then the "gross spoja”In different versions, that is a dirty sheet, the remainder of the scraps of dough and filling left over when making cappelletti, cooked in broth and seasoned. Delicious. Local wines with excellent quality / price ratio, a well-selected international menu and cocktails are drunk. Right, because Trattoria da Lucio is the latest addition to a group of Rimini restaurants that is making headlines and includes the cocktail bar with small kitchen, Necessaire Bistrot and the Fermenta wine shop.

To know

Da Lucio is not the host, but Jacopo's child (who is like 26 years old and is a very young father). And the bill turned out to be € 49, including wine.

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McDonald's candles with the smell of hamburgers arrive – Italian Cuisine


Gwyneth Paltrow moved: Mc Donald's hamburger-scented candles arrive (but they are already sold out)

The craze for scented candles touches unimaginable new levels thanks to McDonald's candles: you are very colorful hamburger-scented candles. Who has never dreamed of getting drunk on the reassuring aroma of fast food even in the privacy of their own home, perhaps to create the right atmosphere before diving into a relaxing tub of boiling water?

Up Golden Arches Unlimited, McDonald's official online shop, you can find different gadgets and accessories, such as calendars, branded T-shirts and socks with a French fries pattern, but the most original gift idea is this set designed for the most hardcore lovers of the famous restaurant chain. The package contains 6 candles whose aroma should remind one of the most loved sandwiches, the McRoyal Deluxe, also known in the world as Quarter Pounder.

The scent of McDonald's candles

Each candle has a different color and gives off the scent of one of the ingredients of the Mc Royal Deluxe: the yellow candle smells of sesame, The red one of Ketchup, the white of onion, the brown one of beef, the green of gherkins pickle and the orange one of melted cheese.

You may decide to turn on one at a time to "taste" each ingredient in its purity, but the best way to enjoy this calorie-free hamburger is turn them all on together. The maximum duration of the candles, with soy wax, is about 25 hours.

Unfortunately, to do this you will have to wait for the shop to be restocked: McDonald's candles are already there sold out.

McDonald's candles


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