How to eliminate the fried smell from the kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


How to eliminate the fried smell from the kitchen

Have you fried the aubergines? The fish? Chicken? French fries? The zeppole? The arancini? The croquettes? We imagine everything was delicious, but also that there was something left in the house fried smell which is not entirely pleasant, especially if it has flooded too the hall, the rooms, the curtains, your clothes, even the staircase of the condominium risking that some annoyed neighbors will report you?

Fried smell, I don’t fear you!

If you’re wondering how to prevent all this the next time you prepare some fried delicacy, here it is six tips to follow to avoid that, even after a few days, upon entering the house it is understood that you have fried something. From opening windows and closing doors to how to absorb odors naturally, browse the gallery and discover all the possible remedies!


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