Tag: order

Curfew in Lombardy, the order signed: stop at bars and restaurants after 11pm – Italian Cuisine

Curfew in Lombardy, the order signed: stop at bars and restaurants after 11pm


The ordinance has been approved which prohibits travel in Lombardy from 11pm to 5am

It's official, it was signed onorder establishing the curfew throughout the region Lombardy, with the aim of containing the coronavirus infections, which are increasingly growing. It will not be possible to circulate from 11 pm to 5 am, except for work reasons or proven urgency. Sanctions are foreseen for those who violate the rule.

The proposal of the Lombard mayors has been approved by the government to avoid critical scenarios: it is in fact expected that, according to the curve of the last few days, it is plausible that by the end of the month there will be an average of 600 hospitalized in intensive care and up to 4000 hospitalizations not in intensive care .

Curfew in Lombardy: the text of the ordinance

The text of the ordinance, signed today, therefore states that "To avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus, from 11.00 pm to 5.00 am the following day, only travel motivated by proven business needs or situations of need or emergency or for health reasons; in any case, the return to your home, residence or residence. The existence of situations that allow the possibility of movement is incumbent on the interested party. This burden can be fulfilled, producing aself-declaration".

The ordinance explicitly speaks of travel, but does not refer to new closing times for restaurants. What is certain is that it will not be possible to go to restaurants and bars after 23:00, while it seems that there is flexibility to return home.

"The provisions of this ordinance produce their effects from the date of 22 October 2020 and are effective until the adoption of a subsequent decree by the President of the Council of Ministers and, in any case, until November 13, 2020. Failure to comply with the measures referred to in this ordinance is sanctioned, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 of the decree-law no. 19/2020. "


from today you can collect your order on site – Italian Cuisine

from today you can collect your order on site


Receive our delivery service at home or collect it directly on site. Don't miss an unmissable offer valid until September 30th!

From this year The Italian kitchen initiated the new delivery service for the city of Milan, active from Monday to Saturday from 12 to 15 and from 18 to 22. For the first time the recipes of the magazine, prepared in our kitchens in Piazzale Cadorna, reach the table of readers and all fans.

They have been selected in the composition of the menu and in the definition of the dishes excellence of the Italian territory in full respect for tradition and with an eye always attentive to seasonality of products. You can, for example, find veal with tuna sauce, pasta alla norma, cutlet Milanese and many vegetarian options. In addition, there is a section dedicated to wines, where expert sommeliers have selected for you perfect matches. The recipes will amaze you, adapting to any need: lunch with colleagues in the office, a romantic dinner at home or a picnic in the park with friends.

The service is active exclusively on Deliveroo, where you can look at the menu and select your favorite dishes. By ordering from the platform, you can choose to receive the order directly at an address indicated or, starting from now, you can select the option of pick-up: in this case, once the order has been placed, it is sufficient to go directly to the office to collect it. THE delivery costs they come like this cleared and, moreover, until 30 September, an additional one is exceptionally applied 10% discount% starting from 15 euros of expenditure.

To discover the menu and order, just access the Deliveroo delivery application. The dishes are stored inside a sustainable packaging, fully compostable and recyclable, which perfectly maintains the serving temperature.


what to eat in order not to run out of energy – Italian Cuisine

what to eat in order not to run out of energy


Here are the foods to consume before and during an excursion to tackle the walk with the right energy and counteract fatigue

Summer is the season par excellence of excursions in the middle of nature on the paths of trek. In order not to take risks, however, in addition to having the right equipment and suitable clothing, you need to pay attention to what you eat and what foods to take with you. The instability of the paths and the roughness of the terrain can make physical effort very intense. The body therefore needs the right amount of energy to face the walk without experiencing aches and discomforts. "For those who practice activities at high altitude it is essential to hydrate properly and follow an adequate diet before, during and after the excursion," says the nutritionist Ermina Ebner, which together withAmerican Pistachio Growers, a non-profit association that unites American pistachio growers, has made some useful tips for those who practice trekking.

Dinner before the excursion

In the evening meal that precedes the day of the excursion, it is essential to ensure the right energy and nutrients useful for the proper functioning of the body. The basic rule to follow is to make a complete meal based on complex carbohydrates, proteins and good fats. Bread, pasta, rice, cereals or potatoes are therefore fine. They allow you to recharge your batteries to face physical effort. Ok also for lean meat (chicken or turkey), fish, eggs or legumes, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, the source par excellence of "beneficial" fats. In addition, it is important to ensure good hydration, which is essential to counteract fatigue. So yes to water and foods that are particularly rich in it, such as seasonal vegetables. Zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are super moisturizing. In addition, they ensure precious minerals such as magnesium and potassium, essential to stay away from the feeling of tiredness that can occur during the exit.

Breakfast before the excursion

To better face the trek it is essential not to skip breakfast. The risk is to soon run out of energy and to experience fatigue and other ailments. To start the day with the right energy it is therefore necessary to have a healthy and complete breakfast to be consumed at least a couple of hours before the excursion. At the table, space for complex carbohydrates such as whole grains (oats, rye, spelled) combined with simple sugars from fresh fruit, which allow you to avoid energy drops. Peaches, apricots and other varieties that are in season in this period are also rich in antioxidants such as beta-carotene which protects against damage caused by exposure to the sun. Perfect for breakfast, even a small portion of complete proteins, essential for muscle health, such as low-fat yogurt, kefir and milk.

What to bring: right water and food

Water is essential to make the body and the metabolic processes that allow you to get energy to work better. If you should regularly drink about 2 liters of water a day, during a medium-intensity excursion it is recommended to provide at least one liter of water every two hours of walking. To reduce this amount, you can prepare drinks with sugar and sodium, which allow you to replenish the liquids lost with sweating and stay away from the feeling of tiredness that can occur during walking. As for the foods to bring with you, the ideal is to focus on snacks that ensure energy and at the same time that do not take up much space in the backpack. A useful solution is for example dried fruit. In addition to being easy to carry and practical to consume, it is energetic and super nutritious. It provides "good" fats, fibers, vitamins and minerals that promote the general well-being of the body. "Roasted pistachios grown in the United States, for example, are perfect for muscle recovery," says nutritionist Ermina Ebner. "They ensure complete proteins of all 9 essential amino acids useful for the growth and maintenance of muscles after physical effort."


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