Tag: staff

The guidelines to the staff that Michele Ferrero wrote – Italian Cuisine

The guidelines to the staff that Michele Ferrero wrote


He found the Gazzetta d’Alba, was written by Michele Ferrero, a man about whom they told and said everything, but whose human and entrepreneur stature we can't fully imagine.

Guidelines, a simple letter for those who, forty years ago, managed human resources in the large company that has always been Ferrero.
Something that makes us go beyond the classic epics about Made in Italy. Something to read on May 1st.

Maximum to follow in contacts with the staff:

"When you talk to an individual, remember: he is important too"

  • 1-Put your employees at ease in your contacts:
    • -Dedicate the necessary time to them and not the "crumbs"
    • – Take care to listen to what they have to say to you
    • -Do not give them the impression that you are on thorns
    • – Never let them feel "small"
    • -The most comfortable chair in your office is for them
  • 2-Make clear decisions and get help from your employees, they will believe in the choices they have made
  • 3- Make the collaborators of the changes participate and discuss them before their implementation with the interested parties
  • 4-Communicate the favorable comments to the workers, the unfavorable ones communicate them only when necessary, in this last case do not limit yourself to a criticism, but indicate what must be done in the future because it serves to learn
  • 5 – Your interventions are always timely: "Too late" is as dangerous as "Too early"
  • 6-Act on causes rather than behavior
  • 7 – Consider the problems in their general appearance and do not miss the details, leave a certain margin of tolerance to the employees
  • 8-Always be human
  • 9- Do not ask for impossible things
  • 10 – Admit your mistakes serenely, it will help you not to repeat them.
  • 11 – Worry about what your employees think of you.
  • 12-Do not pretend to be everything for your collaborators, in this case you would end up being nothing.
  • 13-Beware of those who flatter you, in the long run they are more counterproductive than those that contradict you.
  • 14-Always give what you owe and remember that it is often not a question of how much, but how and when.
  • 15-Never make decisions under the influence of anger, concern, disappointment, worry, but ask for it when your judgment can be more serene
  • 16 – Remember that a good leader can make a normal man feel like a giant, but a bad boss can turn a giant into a dwarf
  • 17-If you do not believe in these principles, give up being leaders


Duck Leg Adobo – A Real Family Meal

If you’ve worked in restaurants before, you know that every
night before service the staff sits down to what’s called the “family meal.”
One of the younger cooks is usually charged with scraping together something
filling and, more importantly, not expensive. It was during one of these
meals that I first had adobo.

When I worked at the Carnelian Room in the late 80’s, much
of the kitchen crew was Filipino, so chicken and pork adobo was a very
common dinner. One of the dishwashers made a particularly great version, and I fell in
love with the bold, simple flavors. I also remember being pretty annoyed that
the dishwashers there were better cooks than I was at the time,
but that’s another story.

Anyway, I happened to have some duck legs around last week, and all it
took was a well-timed email wishing for adobo to inspire this video. I
understand that most of you will not use duck for this, but if you do, be sure
to save the fat.

Duck fat is prized by chefs, and more heart-healthy than
people realize. It can be used for just about anything you’d normally fry
in butter or vegetable oil. I roasted some Brussels spouts with mine, but it
also will make just about the best homefries you’ve ever tasted.

Like I said in the video, no duck, no problem. If you can simmer it
in a sauce, it will work in this recipe. Because of the high soy sauce content,
be careful about over reducing, but other than that, not much can go wrong.
This is cheap, easy, and very flavorful, which is why it makes for such a
great “family meal.” Enjoy!

Ingredients for 6 duck legs:
6 duck legs (or about same amount of chicken or pork)
salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp reserved duck fat
1 large onion, sliced
8 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup seasoned rice vinegar (if not seasoned, use a little
sugar to taste)
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
2 tsp samal chili sauce, or other hot pepper sauce to taste
2-4 bay leaves

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