Classic shortcrust pastry recipe for the tart – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Classic shortcrust pastry recipe for the tart


Shortcrust pastry? Recipe This is perfect for tarts. The one that – we guarantee – will not disappoint you, because it is perfectly balanced and ready to welcome your favorite jam.

Which sugar to use to make shortcrust pastry?

Classic shortcrust pastry wants it caster sugarbut it can also be prepared with lo icing sugar, muscovado or brown sugar. In the first case the pasta will become very crumbly, almost sandy and will tend to melt in the mouth; with brown sugar it will be more rustic and easier to crumble; the moscovado has a slight liquorice taste, which should be taken into account: you can avoid flavoring the mixture with lemon zest or you will have to use more, and also choose a jam with a strong flavour.

Which flour to use for shortcrust pastry?

You can also use 50% wholemeal or spelled flour to mix with 00 flour: in this case the dough will have a less fine consistency. If desired, you can add a pinch of yeast, which will give the dough a little softness. You can replace lemon zest with vanilla, cinnamon, licorice in powder. For the cocoa version, use 30 g, removing 30 g of flour. We offer you the classic recipe to prepare a buttery tart that melts in your mouth.


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