Tag: Procida

Spaghetti alla pescatora poor: the recipe of Procida – Italian Cuisine

Spaghetti alla pescatora poor: the recipe of Procida


With anchovies and green chillies, it is a dish that can be enjoyed in the restaurants of the small island off the coast of Naples, proclaimed Capital of Culture 2022

Small pearl in the Gulf of Naples, theProcida island It will be there Capital of Culture 2022. To get to know her better, we went in search of her aromas and flavors and we found them summarized in a dish from her kitchen: spaghetti alla pescatora poor.
Poor because the ingredients are poor: anchovies and green chillies, which could never be missing on the fishermen's tables.

While waiting to taste it on the island, you can try your hand at cooking this recipe at home. As? Following ours recipe step by step, which you find below; in our gallery, the tips for always tasty variations.

How to make spaghetti alla pescatora poor: the recipe

The ingredients

To prepare spaghetti alla pescatora poor, you will need: 500 g of spaghetti, 500 g of fresh anchovies, 300 g of green chillies, 1 clove of minced garlic, 1 chilli, 10 datterini tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of grated pecorino romano, oil evo and salt to taste.

The procedure

First, peel the green chillies and cut them finely. Then put them to fry in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. In the meantime, clean the anchovies, removing all the bones. Cut the cherry tomatoes into small pieces and fry them in another pan, together with garlic, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and chilli. Cook covered over low heat for a few minutes. Now it's time to add the green chillies. At this point, add the anchovies and continue cooking for another 5 minutes, season with salt. Meanwhile, boil the spaghetti. Drain them al dente, dip them into the pan with the sauce, adding a ladle of cooking water, to finish everything. Serve them, sprinkling them with a grated cheese and enjoy your meal.

Discover in the gallery other tips and curiosities about spaghetti alla pescatora poor


Procida languages: impossible not to fall in love with it! – Italian Cuisine

Procida languages: impossible not to fall in love with it!


If you go to Procida, the Capital of Culture 2022, you cannot fail to taste this puff pastry and lemon cream dessert. In the meantime, here's how to make them at home

Procida, Capital of Culture 2022. If you happen to be in those parts, you cannot miss an important appointment: the one with the languages ​​of Procida, a typical dessert of the island.

Also known as ox tongues, it is an over-the-counter dessert, made of puff pastry and stuffed with delicious lemon cream procidano. To taste a Breakfast or as a sweet snack, even while walking, you can try to replicate them in your kitchen. That's how.

How to make Procida's tongues: the recipe

The ingredients

To make Procida tongues at home, you will need: 500 g of puff pastry (2 rolls), 4 egg yolks, 1 egg white, 120 g of granulated sugar, 400 ml of milk, 50 g of flour and the grated zest of 1 lemon.

The procedure

In a saucepan, thicken the sugar, flour, 3 egg yolks, lemon zest and sugar over low heat, continuing to mix. Once you have a thick and homogeneous mixture, pour it into a container and cover it with cling film. Now roll out the first roll of puff pastry, making small ovals measuring 15 × 8 cm. Do the same with the second sheet. Pierce the ovals obtained with the prongs of the fork. Brush the edges with the egg white, and spread a spoonful of cream into one of the ovals. Make sure it does not come out of the edges. Now lay another oval of pastry on top, making sure that the edges adhere well and are well sealed (the egg white serves as a glue). Brush all the ovals with the remaining yolk and a little milk and sprinkle them with sugar. Preheat the oven to 200 ° and bake the tongues for 20 minutes, until the surface is golden. Remove from the oven and eat them warm and crunchy.

Browse the gallery to discover other tips and curiosities about the languages ​​of Procida


Procida Capital of Culture 2022: what to taste on the island – Italian Cuisine


Next year we go to the island with many events to participate in, but also with many specialties to discover, from lemons, which grow large and sweet here, to artichokes, up to puff pastry tongues stuffed with cream

With the hope that in a year we will be back to normal leaving the Coronavirus behind us, on 18 January the Ministry for Cultural Heritage proclaimed Procida Capital of Culture for 2022. The smallest pearl of the Gulf of Naples, whose territory entirely covers that of the islands of Procida and Vivara, was chosen by a jury among 10 candidates (Ancona, Bari, Cerveteri, L'Aquila, Pieve di Soligo, Taranto, Trapani, Verbania and Volterra are the other cities on the list).

Procida, culture does not isolate

With the slogan "Culture does not isolate", the city will offer 330 days of events through 44 cultural projects, 240 artists, 40 original works and 8 renovated exhibition spaces. It will be an opportunity to discover this volcanic island at times still wild – often obscured by the more famous and worldly Capri and Ischia – under which, according to Greek mythology, lies the body of the giant Mimante and where the colorful houses, the narrow alleys, the breathtaking views, the sandy beaches and the rocky coves were the backdrop to cinema scenes (you see The postman with Massimo Troisi) and in which they were set short stories and novels (from Boccaccio to Elsa Morante).

The island of lemons

Procida is often called the island of lemons, a fruit that has been cultivated here since ancient times by practically all the families of the island and reaches very large size, with a light yellow coarse-grained skin and withalbedo (the white part between the pulp and the peel) very often. For this last characteristic, Procida lemons are also called "lemons bread ". THE lemons on the island they can be enjoyed simply sliced ​​as a dessert, with or without a spoonful of sugar – they are in fact less acres than the most popular lemons – or in chunks in the salad together with onion, oil, chilli, salt and mint, or they are used to make refreshing drinks and limoncello.

A lemon tree in Procida
A lemon tree in Procida

Fresh artichokes or in oil

Typical of Procida is also the artichoke, of the Roman type, which is proposed fresh or handcrafted in oil according to an ancient recipe that provides that the flower heads of the second and subsequent orders are cleaned, blanched in water, white wine vinegar and salt and stored in glass jars with the addition of extra virgin olive oil, garlic, oregano and hot pepper. After letting them mature for 2 months, the artichokes in oil are ready to be eaten and can be kept for over 6 months.

Pasta and sweets

The typical recipe of the island is the spaghetti alla Procidana, whose recipe involves dressing the pasta with octopus, cherry tomatoes, garlic, chilli, parsley and spaghetti with poor seafood with anchovies and fried green chillies. What sweets can you find once you've landed? The languages ​​of Procida, a puff pastry filled with lemon cream (but also pastry or chocolate), also known as Ox Languages.


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