Tag: Enjoy

Summer Savory Pies: 10 Recipes to Enjoy in the Sun – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Summer Savory Pies: 10 Recipes to Enjoy in the Sun


The summer savory pies They are the perfect solution when the heat starts to make itself felt and you have less and less desire to eat hot dishes. Practicesthey are excellent to enjoy at homebut also to eat during the picnic outdoors. Or, why not, even on the beach because you can prepare them in advance and then eat them cold.

What differentiates them from more classic savory pies? Their shell contains seasonal, fresh ingredients that recall the scents of summer.

What ingredients to choose for summer savory pies?

The watchword is seasonality. Which is always true, but even more so in the summer, when the palate calls for fresh and light flavors. Here are the ingredients to choose for your savory pies:

but not only that, also figs, blue fish, slightly aged and acidic cheeses such as goat cheese, and then make room for aromatic herbs, which complete your summer savory pie by giving it additional aroma. Use basil but also mint for a unique touch.

How and how much to store summer cakes

In the hot season, even if the savory pies are cooked, it is better to “prevent than cure”, as they say. So if the savory pie is left over or prepared the day before, it is better keep it in the refrigerator wrapped in aluminum foil. This operation, obviously, must be done once the cake has completely cooled after cooking, to prevent condensation from forming and the shell of the savory pie from becoming soft.

Stored like this, the savory pie lasts about 2 days.

To restore the initial crispiness, if needed, just put the savory pie in the oven for a few minutes.

10 ideas for summer savory pies

Tomatoes, anchovies, figs, asparagus and more, here are our 10 favorite recipes, for a summer dedicated to sharing, at home or during a picnic.


Enjoy a light and tasty Japanese flavor experience – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Enjoy a light and tasty Japanese flavor experience


THE Japanese-style aubergine rolls with rice and crunchy vegetables they are a delicious and original option to enrich your table with exotic flavors and interesting textures. Let’s see together how to prepare them, perfect for a light and satisfying meal that will satisfy all your senses.


enjoy the charm of the Neapolitan culinary tradition – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

enjoy the charm of the Neapolitan culinary tradition


This is a recipe that will make you travel back in time, reliving the culinary traditions of times gone by. The Neapolitan philosophist it is a dish steeped in history and culture, an authentic delicacy that has been handed down for generations in the Neapolitan culinary tradition. In this guide, we will explore the secret of this together a poor dish but rich in flavors and aromasa true culinary legacy that will win you over from the first bite.


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