There mustard vinaigrette it is a variant of one of the most classic of condiments: the vinaigrette. The basic principle is the same, that is the emulsion between oil and vinegar, but in addition mustard must be added, with its pungent flavor, perfect for vegetables and salads, but also for meat dishes. Again, my advice is to prepare it at the last moment, as resting oil and vinegar would tend to separate, so in case they would have to be re-emulsified again. As with the classic version, you can also add aromas here at the end of the procedure. Now I leave you with the recipe and we'll read you later.
Put salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar in a small bowl and mix until the salt has completely dissolved.
Then add the oil flush, stirring in the meantime with a hand whisk, continuing to mix until a homogeneous seasoning is obtained.
The mustard vinaigrette is ready: add spices or herbs to taste, or use it immediately as it is.