Tag: Black

Mashed potatoes, black cabbage and spicy mackerel – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Today’s Best Italian Recipe is mashed potatoes, black cabbage and spicy mackerela second good and sustainable mandate from Gaia Cozziwho wrote to us: «I work in marketing for a large hotel chain and I am in love with the United States, where I lived during university and where I return on vacation as soon as I can. I live in Florence with my husband and two small children. I have always cooked: my family ran a historic specialty food shop in the heart of Florence for many years and for a while I also worked as a pastry chef. Recently, I have become passionate about plant-based cuisine and have stopped eating meat, for an increasingly conscious approach to cooking. This recipe of mine uses two vegetables that I love very much, omnipresent in Tuscan cuisine, potatoes and black cabbage, and combines them with mackerel, considered one of the most sustainable fish.

The recipe: mashed potatoes, black cabbage and spicy mackerel

Commitment: easy
Time: 45 plus 6 hours marinating
Styling and cooking: Joëlle Néderlants

Ingredients for 8 people

  • 800 g white potatoes
  • 8 black cabbage leaves
  • 4 fresh mackerel
  • 2 untreated lemons
  • chili powder
  • caster sugar
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • White pepper


  1. Fillet the mackerel and marinate the fillets in an equal quantity of sugar and salt, flavoured with grated lemon zest and a sprinkling of chilli pepper, for at least 6 hours.
  2. Rinse the mackerel fillets under running water, then make small incisions on the skin side and quickly sear them in a non-stick pan, placing them skin side down.
  3. Peel the potatoes and boil them in salted water; drain and pass them through a fine-mesh food mill while they are still hot. Blend the potatoes with 100 ml of oil and some of their cooking water until you obtain a puree; season with salt and pepper and keep the puree warm.
  4. Remove the central rib from the black cabbage leaves, brush them lightly with oil and bake them at 70°C, until they become crispy.
  5. Divide the puree, piping hot, onto the plates, place a fillet of mackerel on top, garnish with a crispy black cabbage leaf and serve.

Send us a description of your dish to participate in the selection of The Best Italian Recipe, an exciting challenge open to everyone – home cooks, professional chefs, simple enthusiasts – to write together the future of Italian goodness. Find out how here.


Black Eyed Peas Birthday Cupcake Cake: Photo – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


The photo that is printed on the birthday cake (ph pasticceria Zoccola via ufficio stampa Pradivio).

The amazing cannon

Who recommended the black Eyed Peas to choose the excellent creations of Pasticceria Zoccola definitely knows a thing or two about desserts and the art of baking. Luigi and Maddalena Zoccola They opened way back in 1820 and even today their name remains in history and continues with the work of Massimo and Alice Bitchfather and daughter, or there sixth and seventh generation. Their cannoncino is an icon, which is churned out at an impressive rate of 4000 pieces per day. Prepared with high quality butter and local flours (Molino F.lli Lingua di Alessandria, active since 1920), the Zoccola cannoncino is distinguished by its elongated shape and the closure on one of the two sides that makes it similar to a cornucopia. Another difference is represented by the number of puff pastry turns: there are 7 those on which each single piece is wrapped, rigorously hand-made. Even the fillings of the cannon go outside the rules: they are over 20 flavors on which to choose. Alongside the classics filled with cream, custard, chocolate and zabaglione (whipped by hand in the traditional copper pot), new classics have found space: from hazelnut to coffee, through white chocolate, Italian Chantilly cream, pistachio, Nutella, raspberry and apricot jam, up to the ever-present strawberry chocolate. To these are added the seasonal flavours. Among the 8 summer flavours, violet and rose stand out, a must that are accompanied by those with seasonal fruit creams such as strawberry, apricot and peach. Among the winter flavours, in addition to caramel and Aurora (a tasty mix of cream and zabaglione), the territorial ones have a place of honour: from marron glacé to Barbera and Moscato creams. To embellish the range there are the limited editioncannoncini with unique flavors to discover. The packaging also stands out: in addition to the traditional cabaret, at the Zoccola pastry shop the cannoncini can be packaged in special containers in which they are arranged vertically making them look similar to a cake. Every weekend, and on any other day upon order, the cannoncini from the Zoccola pastry shop can also be enjoyed in 5 delicious gastronomic versions: baked without being dusted with sugar, they are filled with ham, tuna, salmon, gorgonzola and anchovy mousse. Furthermore, summer 2024 will be the year of the “cannolice”, that is, the cannoncini filled with soft ice cream in different flavors.

To classic and historic cakes such as theAlbanese and the Trufflealongside modern cakes based on mousse, bavarois, gelée covered with icing. Much more elaborate are the decorations of the cakes through the techniques of cake design. Another flagship product of Pasticceria Zoccola are the large leavened products prepared during the holidays with a mother yeast managed with the Piedmontese method since the 1950s. At the counter, together with the cannoncini, there are other traditional classics: from cream puffs, cream, zabaglione, chantilly cream, chocolate, coffee and Piedmont hazelnut, to chocolate and cream mushrooms. The biscuits speak Piedmontese with the baci di dama, classic and chocolate, wrapped individually, as well as the amaretti.

Pasticceria Zoccola – Corso Alfonso La Marmora, 61, Alessandria – tel. 0131 254767
Open from Tuesday to Sunday morning: 8.30-12.30 and 15.30-19.30
Closed Sunday afternoon and Monday all day


Black rice salad with pomegranate, feta and toasted walnuts – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Black rice salad with pomegranate, feta and toasted walnuts


L’black rice salad with pomegranate, feta and toasted walnuts it is a dish that never tires you, anti-heat and anti-boredom, perfect for enriching your table with taste and health. Explore the irresistible combination of the crunchiness of black ricethe sweetness of pomegranatethe creaminess of feta and the crunchiness of toasted nutsto obtain a delicious dish that will accompany you throughout these hot months.


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