He bet on a courageous idea and won: approaching the Italians, always coffee addict, to the quality tea: Alfredo Carrai in the 50s began the long journey that took him on the way of tea, in China, India, Ceylon, to discover the most refined qualities, the most elegant aromas, to bring to Italy and to make known to all. After him his sons picked up the baton and founded The Way of Tea, a company that became famous for its blending, whose name is a tribute to the Japanese tea routes and to the journeys that were undertaken to find the best qualities in the world. The most recent data say that between 2016 and 2021 the consumption of tea in the world will grow by 15%, and in Italy by 14%. Via del Tè exports to Europe, England, France, Singapore and Hong Kong. Won bet?
The world of tea
The name in botany is Camelliae Sinensis, and is a plant that grows in tropical and subtropical climates, preferably on sloping grounds. There are two varieties, Chinese and Assamica, which can reach 20 meters in height. Of the whole plant, only the gem and the two leaflets below they can be used to obtain a high quality tea, and the harvesting is always and only by hand. With the rest of the leaves a less valuable product is prepared. Black tea, white tea, green tea, oolong tea and pu erh all derive from the same plant, what changes is the processing of the leaves, which undergo a different oxidation.
Black, green, white .. All types of tea
In green tea the leaves are very little oxidized and the result is a tea with a green color, with a vegetable and floral aroma, quite complex. In black tea, on the other hand, oxidation is total, the color is a copper orange and the aromas range from wood, to tobacco, to fruitiness. White tea is simply withered in the open air or, if the weather does not allow it, on racks in ventilated rooms. It has a very delicate and round taste. THE Oolong tea they are halfway between greens and blacks, their leaves undergo partial oxidation and are considered digestive and detoxifying teas, with a low caffeine content. Finally, pu erh is a tea that undergoes a post-fermentation that gives it full flavor and the scent of undergrowth. It is an ancient tea originating in Xinshuanbanna County, Yunnan, China. It is appreciated for its beneficial properties: it is considered a natural detox and a great tea after meal. It is also used to lose weight, reduce cholesterol and help circulation.
The Way of Tea and mixing
In addition to having brought to Italy the best teas grown in the world, Alfredo Carrai's company has specialized over time in blending, that is, in the mixing of tea of the same origin or of different origins, with other elements, including flowers, spices, dehydrated fruit, lemon peel and oranges. Mixtures based on Chinese and Japanese green teas, papaya and flowers with a light aroma of citrus and vanilla, or green and white tea with peach and apricot or, again, with green tea and jasmine enriched with lime, cherry and mango. The first flavored tea of the history placed on the market was the alla cinnamon, and by accident: a box of tea had been stored on a ship next to a trunk containing the scented spice. However, the first mixing experiments date back to the early 1900s.
The rules for making a perfect tea
Tea is the second most drunk drink in the world, not only for its particular taste, but also for all the properties it has. It is rich in flavonoids, which are very powerful antioxidants that slow cellular aging. Among these, the most important are the catechins, capable of lowering the level of bad cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar, as well as performing an antibacterial function. But making a cup of tea is no small affair. For optimal results, choose leaf tea (and not in sachet), prepare it by infusion, that is by pouring the water on the well spread leaves, so that they can release the essential oils and the aromas, with a mineral water with a low fixed residue. The infuser must be removable, so that the dry leaves can open well. For green and white teas, the water must have a temperature of 70 ° and the infusion must last 2 minutes; for blacks or pu erhs, the temperature should be 90 ° and the infusion of three minutes. Spicy teas want shorter infusions. Two, three grams of tea are enough for a 100 ml cup.
Tea in the kitchen
Thinking of using tea only as a drink to sip at breakfast or as a snack is now an understatement. Tea is used in the kitchen for sweet and savory preparations or even to accompany food. The combination method is the same as for wine, due to affinity or contrast, always in search of a balance that does not dominate one or the other. Traditionally blacks are paired with cheeses, meats and roasts. Greens with vegetables, chicken, creams and whites with delicate cheeses. Tea can also be used as a spice, finely ground, in marinades, sauces, risottos, sweets, Bavarians, braised or, again, for the preparation of cocktails and long drinks, both infused in alcohol and prepared as a cold base.