Tag: paper

100% paper sustainable packaging – Italian Cuisine


Dignity to the land is the company's motto. A new identity to celebrate half a century of the company from the Marche that presents a new sustainable packaging 100% paper and a rebranding that reinforces the values ​​of the past

The Gino Girolomoni Agricultural Cooperative, Marche-based company producing pasta (and not only), makes the leap with a new identity and brand vision, with a new sustainable packaging 100% paper, presented in recent days at SANA 2021, at Bologna Fiere.


The brand, a reflection of a creed

"50 years a story like ours is not told in a few lines, but celebrated with many. – begins like this Giovanni Battista Girolomoni, President of the Gino Girolomoni Agricultural Cooperative and son of the founder Gino – Our story begins with a dream, the dream of my father, pioneer of organic farming in Italy, activist, intellectual, essayist but, more than anything else, a farmer. His entire life has been dedicated to a vision: to restore dignity to the land and its guardians, the peasants. 50 years after the start of this project, we want to reiterate that his commitment is still ours, today and for the future. "
Faithful to the thought and legacy of Gino Girolomoni, today's Girolomoni reaffirms its dream and commitment: "Dignity to the earth!" goal and mission of the company.

Gino Girolomoni, founder of the Gino Girolomoni Agricultural Cooperative

The commitment to sustainability takes on a new identity

The Cooperative's commitment is aimed at one 100% organic integrated supply chain. A commitment that does not end in production, but extends to become a welcome, with a farmhouse and an inn, an educational farm for dissemination and meeting, a Foundation to nourish the cultural aspect and finally the arrival of a new 100% paper sustainable packaging.
"In renewing our identity, our name and our monastery have firmly remained the guarantee of our products together with the image of our founder. Logo and symbol form a unique whole, to tell even more strongly our bond with our places, with our land. " says Giovanni Battista Girolomoni.

Giovanni Battista Girolomoni, President of the Gino Girolomoni Agricultural Cooperative

Sustainable packaging closes the circle of the supply chain

The packaging, represents the last link of a entire virtuous and sustainable supply chain.
“We wondered for a long time about which was the ideal packaging solution to“ close the circle ”, managing this step directly in the least impactful way possible. We chose the paper ”.
Two types of packaging have been chosen for the 2 main product lines:

For the line Durum wheat, the accessible range, a 100% paper reel from responsibly managed forests – Aticelca class A certificate. The printing inks are water based and the heat seal lacquers are water based and solvent free.

For the Ancient grains, our most precious range, we have chosen a 100% recyclable paper bag from responsibly managed forests, with separable cellulose film window, differentiable in the wet. The window, applied in register to avoid waste, enhances the grain and color of our ancient grain pastes, doing justice to the richness of shades of our products.


"For us, organic farming is a way of life. This is why our commitment is aimed at every aspect of the supply chain. A supply chain that wants to be a virtuous expression of peasant civilization in which values ​​such as respect for man and nature and the importance of the given word persist and are still central, which today translate into the use and research of energy from sources renewables, in enhancing the experience and work of farmers, in guaranteeing the consumer a product obtained from Italian raw materials at a fair price, in preserving the natural heritage and the rural landscape. " Girolomoni concludes.


How to do it without parchment paper: here's how to replace it – Italian Cuisine

How to do it without parchment paper: here's how to replace it


It is considered among the indispensable in the kitchen, yet it can also be cooked without. Here's what you can use instead of parchment paper

But how did grandmothers do when there was no parchment paper? In reality there are alternatives, only that we don't remember them anymore. Here how to do it without parchment paper.

How to cook without parchment paper: butter and flour

For the preparation of cakes, ciambelloni is plum cake, there is no doubt, the old remedy of butter and flour on the baking tray it is infallible, indeed, it is the best, because everything will be baked with the perfect shape of the mold.
But you have to pay attention to some things. The first is the cooking: if the cake is undercooked, or even worse, very cooked, there is no butter to hold, the dough may stick.
If the mold is damaged and has lost part of it non-stick layer, you shouldn't use it, not only because it no longer works, but also because it hurts.
Finally, when buttered, be careful cover the whole surface!

How to cook without parchment paper: oil

A good alternative to butter and flour to prepare cakes and pies is always the dear old man oil, but be careful not to use too much, because you risk compromising cooking.
Obviously choose a good extra virgin olive oil, both for the quality, but also because it still releases a little flavor and therefore must be very good.
We suggest you use the oil especially in the preparation of savory recipeswhile butter is better for desserts.

How to cook without parchment paper: spray butter

There are also gods butters to vaporize on molds and trays, generally widely used in pastry making because they are practical, fast and long-lasting.
Just sprinkle a little product and you're done, you don't even need to add flour to make the mold even more non-stick.
Spray butter is easily found on the market, especially online and in stores that sell kitchen products.
you can make at home a similar product with oil and a kitchen vaporizer.

How to replace parchment paper: silicone

There are gods molds suitable for baking in silicone and therefore easy to remove. You can find them in many versions and in every shape. There are those for muffin, those for donuts is cakes, those for Pancake and the mats that can be used, for example, for i cookies. They resist all temperatures.
Beware of the first use, however, because they may not work the first time if you don't know them well. Once purchased, you have to wash and dry them well and then grease them slightly.

How to replace parchment paper: aluminum

The aluminum issue is controversial. Someone uses the silver paper instead of parchment paper, but we do not recommend it, at least for some cooking.
If you have to cook a pepper in the oven or another whole vegetable to make a sauce or a cream, you can also put nothing at the base, or you can use aluminum, but do attention that leaves no residue.
In general, the real problem is this and therefore it is important not to cook anything that risks sticking on the silver sheets. If in doubt, avoid!

Don't use anything

If you want toast something you don't need to put a base on the baking sheet. Hazelnuts is almonds, for example, they can be cooked in a hot oven without anything because they are not likely to stick.
Even one meat or a fish salt does not need a base, which is not precisely salt.

Product baking paper

Some foods are already sold with their parchment paper, for example some ready pizzas or the shortcrust pastry, puff pastry or shortcrust packaged.
In this case, if you have nothing else, use the parchment paper already present at the base of the product. If you can, however, always replace it, because even a parchment paper already in some way used may not be the best solution, both from the point of view of health and for the final result.

In the gallery above, some tips for better cooking without parchment paper.


Mask with parchment paper: does it really protect against coronavirus? – Italian Cuisine


On the web, the tutorials to make masks with parchment paper or cloth go crazy: but are they really effective?

In the midst of the emergency coronavirus, several tutorials continue to spread on how to make a mask with parchment paper, folding a sheet and applying two elastic bands with the stapler to fix it to the ears. But it really works a protect yourself from infection? Let's start by making a distinction to understand how i work different types of mask.

The only masks that actually reduce the risk of coming into contact with infected saliva particles are le masks FFP2 is FFP3, equipped with a special valve that acts as a filter (to be replaced regularly).

The surgical masks single use, instead, they do not serve to protect themselves, but help not to sneeze or cough in the vicinity of others, avoiding to infect people if they were positive for the virus.
These masks are mainly used by health workers, most at risk due to the numerous contacts with potential infected patients.

Mask with parchment paper: does it work?

The realization of the masks with baking paper is based on the assumption that the baking paper is waterproof. The problem however lies in the fact that the parchment paper does not filter the air and does not adhere completely to the face: the air can enter and exit easily from the sides and upper and lower edges.

Another problem with masks made with parchment paper is having the right ability to make them: it is very easy to make mistakes, damage the faceplate or do not complete it correctly, thus exposing yourself and others to danger.

The use of these DIY masks could therefore generate false security and push people to break or underestimate the most important rules to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-2019: keep the safety distance at least 1 meter, don't touch your face is to wash hands often and carefully.

In conclusion, a mask with parchment paper cannot replace certified and compliant protective devices.

Coronavirus: when and how to wear a mask

The World Health Organization explained when to use the mask on its site.

1. If you are healthy, you will only need the mask if you are taking care of a person who may have contracted the coronavirus COVID-2019.

2. Wear a face mask if cough or sneeze.

3. The masks are effective only when combined with a frequent hand washing, with an alcohol or water and soap solution.

If you are wearing a mask it is important to know how to wear it and use it to prevent it from becoming a vehicle of infection through contact with the hands.

1. Before putting on the mask, wash your hands with an alcohol or soap and water solution.

2. Cover your mouth and nose with the mask, make sure that it adheres completely to the face and that there are no openings between the face and the mask.

3. Avoid touching the mask when you wear it: if you do, wash your hands with an alcohol or soap and water solution.

4. Replace the mask as soon as it becomes wet and do not reuse disposable masks.

5. Remove the mask from the elastic bands, without touching the front; throw away the mask in a closed basket; wash your hands with an alcohol or soap and water solution.


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