Honey tart with walnuts and hazelnuts recipe, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Honey tart with walnuts and hazelnuts recipe, the recipe


Here is a dessert that is easily prepared, in a very short time, and which is perfect from the side breakfast to the end of the meal passing through the snack. It’s about the honey tart with walnuts and hazelnutsvery sweet and crunchy.

In our recipe we used one shortcrust pastry already ready, but if you have time you can prepare it at home. We then rolled it out and brushed it with honey heated in a bain-marie. Above we have arranged the hazelnuts cut in half hey walnut kernelsthen we baked it in the oven and covered everything again with honey once the cake was out of the oven.

Besides the taste, the difference in this one tart the orderly way in which you have arranged the dried fruit will also do it concentric circles and scenographic. Test yourself!


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