Tag: in the oven

Sardinian porceddu recipe in the oven – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Sardinian porceddu recipe in the oven


«Of course, yes SardiniaThe porceddu, placed underground, made with skewers and embers where you cook for hours is obviously different. But here we are Bolognain the hills, we have the oven, and when it is a good porceddu, it only needs to be put in the oven, a little salt, even a drop of oil, but not even that, because then it harmonizes on its own. Lastly the myrtlethe serious one, and that’s it”: like this Paolo FresuSardinian musician and composer, tells us how he prepares porceddu in his home in the hills of Bologna, where we went to visit him on the occasion of the release of his new album composed with the pianist Omar Sosa and entitled “Food”.

With him are his son Andrea and his wife Sonia Peanawhich instead reveals the recipe for Catalan-style monkfish. Paolo talks about his traditions, his self-made life, the hard years of his pastor father and his mother Berchidda, the country where he was born and where for years he has animated a festival that hosts some of the best musicians in the world. «Mine is a continuously vivid memory of the taste of that time. Family customs that have become imprinted in my head over the years: the shearing of sheep or how I went to collect the products from the garden. Even now my mother, at 97 years old, prepares that beef broth which is my favorite dish.”


Recipe Pepper stuffed with meat and cheese – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Pepper stuffed with meat and cheese


Who knows how many of you remember the moment when, upon entering your grandmother’s house, you could smell the scent of stuffed peppers, usually made of meat and cheese, a great classic. It is the sweet scent of memories, and of those happy moments spent with the family, which combined with the happiness of tasting an excellent and always appreciated dish, a timeless classic.

Each region has its own stuffed pepper

Like any self-respecting traditional recipe, the stuffed pepper also lends itself to many variations and is characterized by more or less different products depending on the region. In Northern Italy, the ones we offer with meat and cheese are classic, although in Piedmont they are often prepared with seirass – a typical cheese similar to ricotta – and boiled rice. In the South, they usually contain anchovies, capers, breadcrumbs, olives and tomato sauce and are consumed both cold and hot.


Pea and ricotta cannelloni: recipe with and without cooking – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Pea and ricotta cannelloni without cooking

I often prepare this recipe in summerwhen the desire to cook is less and less and it is too hot to turn on the oven.
I prepare the cannelloni with carasau bread, slightly moistened with water and oil.
I fill it with peas and ricotta, wrap it well and then arrange everything in a baking dish. Complete with cherry tomatoes or ox heart tomatoes cut into cubes and seasoned with oil, salt and plenty of basil or oregano.
I replace the peas with lo raw spinach when I really don’t feel like turning on the stove.

Carasau bread for making cannelloni without cooking.

Cannelloni crepes with peas and ricotta

Do you love crepes?
Then you absolutely must use them to make cannelloni.
Prepare a classic dough for savory crepes, also using wholemeal flours if you want, and then fill each crepe with the pea and ricotta filling.
Cannelloni made in this way are much more delicate and tasty, they cook first in the oven and you can fill them as you prefer.


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