Pea and ricotta cannelloni: recipe with and without cooking – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Pea and ricotta cannelloni without cooking

I often prepare this recipe in summerwhen the desire to cook is less and less and it is too hot to turn on the oven.
I prepare the cannelloni with carasau bread, slightly moistened with water and oil.
I fill it with peas and ricotta, wrap it well and then arrange everything in a baking dish. Complete with cherry tomatoes or ox heart tomatoes cut into cubes and seasoned with oil, salt and plenty of basil or oregano.
I replace the peas with lo raw spinach when I really don’t feel like turning on the stove.

Carasau bread for making cannelloni without cooking.

Cannelloni crepes with peas and ricotta

Do you love crepes?
Then you absolutely must use them to make cannelloni.
Prepare a classic dough for savory crepes, also using wholemeal flours if you want, and then fill each crepe with the pea and ricotta filling.
Cannelloni made in this way are much more delicate and tasty, they cook first in the oven and you can fill them as you prefer.


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