Tag: cooking

Light Summer Recipes: 50 Ideas for Very Fresh Dishes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Hot, the season of light summer recipes. Summer is just the perfect time to take some calories off your plate. high temperaturethe abundance of healthy and nutritious seasonal ingredients that lend themselves to light preparations and the motivation for the swimsuit test are the ideal mix to dedicate yourself to the light cuisine that you have been putting off for a long time. We have therefore collected a selection of recipes perfect for taking a journey into taste and lightness without missing the more caloric foods which we will reconsider in the winter.

We need fluids: don’t forget it!

At the top of the foods that offer the highest quantities of water are plant foodsespecially vegetables and fruit: they ensure a very high water intake that in many cases exceeds 90% of their weight. But the peculiarity of these foods is that introducing them with a certain regularity in the diet offers the advantage of using water where it is needed, for example avoiding it being trapped by the tissues and having problems with stagnation and retention. But there are also many other advantages: vegetables and fruit are a natural supplement of mineral salts and trace elements that, especially when it is hot, allow you to balance the hydro-saline balance and thus reduce the negative effects of excessive sweating, such as muscle cramps, dizziness and exhaustion.

Hydration is not just drinking

Our body, put to the test by the summer heat, requires foods rich in liquids, vitamins and mineral salts that do not require long digestion and provide the right amount of energy and hydration. Fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, legumes and cereals then become the basis from which to draw inspiration to prepare tasty light meals. Green light for saladsto carpaccio of meat and fish, roast beef And tartarerecipes with couscous, barley and quinoa and seasonal vegetables galore.

50 light summer recipes to feel good

light summer recipes

50 light summer recipes to prepare when it’s very hot


What’s new for June 2024 for those who love eating and cooking – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

What's new for June 2024 for those who love eating and cooking


What’s new for June 2024 to taste and try? Many, but we tried to make a selection. In the gallery, for example, you will find biscuits so good that they seem to have been made by grandmother, genuine and sugar-free jams, panettone which – for the nostalgic – also comes in a summer version, and then new ready-made sauces which make our lives easier, to try with exceptional pasta shapes.

In the month par excellence of aperitifs there are many new things to try even for those who love to drink well: Italian bubbles, spirits, refreshing drinks to always carry with you. If you (also) dabble in the kitchen, there are new pots and pans in seasonal shades, appliances that make us feel like we’re in a professional kitchen, and more. Here is all the news for June 2024:


Omelette recipe with cold cuts and cheese – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Omelette recipe with cold cuts and cheese


L’omelette with cold cuts and cheese it is a dish that combines tradition with innovation, bringing to your table a fascinating encounter between the elegance of selected cheeses and the robustness of delicious cold cuts.

This culinary creation will allow you to immerse yourself in a sensory journeywhere is the perfume enveloping ingredients mixes with the emotion of seeing the colors and flavors blend into a perfect symphony.


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