Tag: schiscetta

The schiscetta is social on Instagram – Italian Cuisine

The schiscetta is social on Instagram


Bringing lunch at home can turn into a fun and creative operation. Just a bit of imagination, a little 'organization and the desire to confront each other by sharing our ideas

The main difference between cooking something that will be consumed at home and preparing lunch in advance, is that the second case does not allow improvisations. The Milanese rite of the schiscetta (which in the rest of Italy is breakfast or packed lunch), requires organization, imagination and a little practical sense. Because let's face it all: to put in a bowl two peeled carrots and a few slices of ham we are all capable, but to prepare something that will gratify us when it arrives at lunch time, it takes something more. The risk, otherwise, is to dive on unbalanced, poor or unappetising meals that will tempt us to run to the nearest bar in search of a well-stuffed sandwich.
To tell us about it all we do not have to do when we prepare our lunch to take to the office, the Instagram account @schiscettebrutte, fueled with irony by all those who realize they have not given the best of themselves by preparing the slab.

Instagram @schiscettebrutte.

This image, for example, which has earned the profile picture of the account, teaches us that the knife could also be used to eat pasta. A paste that is glued, hot and slightly seasoned and has taken the shape of the container that contained it. Are you hungry looking at her? It's over! And the more we look at it, the more we convince ourselves that a well-made slab is a whole other thing (below an example from our March issue on newsstands).

Something very different from picking up what's left of dinner in a plastic container with lid or from assembling foods that we would never match in messy and disgusting meals. The schiscetta is think of a meal that can be preserved without difficulty playing with flavors, textures and colors. Preparing a good lunch is to spend a few minutes more on the day to our well-being, to the throat, but also to our balance.
A bit of commitment, lots of imagination and you're done. In the gallery above we have collected the most beautiful slabs of Instagram… do not you want to prepare one to share?
This month, Italian Cuisine invites you to do it with a game inspired by the March issue on newsstands. In the article below (Prepare your sketch!), We explain how to participate!

Cover image: Instagram @The Italian Cuisine


Prepare your schiscetta! – Italian Cuisine

Prepare your schiscetta!


In the office for those who do not have time to break away from the pc, on the university benches between one lesson and another, outdoors when it's sunny, maybe lying on a lawn for a picnic with friends or colleagues.
There schiscetta is the absolute protagonist of the lunch break and that's why we decided to tell it in our issue March.

The term schiscetta it comes from Lombard dialect: schischiare, or crush the food in a container to transport it. Although this word is mainly spread in northern Italy, during the week the whole country brings with it a good lunch prepared at home.
Salads, unique dishes, pasta, vegetables, main courses or leftovers from the dinner: in our lunch box (if necessary, we can put whatever we want, give space to creativity, save, avoiding lunch outside, and be sure of eat healthy, carefully choosing our favorite ingredients.

If you are also dependent on it, it's time to to share your schiscette with us and with all your friends. Those beautiful and imaginative, but also those prepared forlast moment, shameless. We are many and we need ideas!

In March we want to see what's on your screen: post a photo on Instagram and tell us what you have prepared and where you prefer to have your lunch break. Tag @lacucinaitaliana and enter the hashtag #laschiscettadioggi, many surprises await you!


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