Tomato and strawberry tartare recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tomato and strawberry tartare recipe


If you are looking for an original appetizer for the summer, fresh and colourful, we suggest the recipe Tomato and strawberry tartare with prawnsan easy to prepare, elegant, tasty and light dish.

The preparation is quick but you will have to let the diced tomatoes and strawberries drain for about an hour. Their vegetation waterseasoned with oil and salt, you will then need it to complete the dish, together with raw prawns and a salad of herbs and edible flowers.

Also discover these recipes: Tomato tartare, Three fruit and vegetable tartare, Tomato and strawberry gazpacho, Strawberry and tomato puddings, Tomato and strawberry soup with mini fruit salad, Tomato and strawberry cream soup with fake black rice, Penne, strawberries and basil.


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