Mint and lemon scented risotto recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mint and lemon scented risotto recipe


Loved by adults and children alike, the resolved it is a dessert widespread throughout the world and also much loved in Italy, especially in the North where there is also a savory version – rice pudding.

Very easy to make, it’s a real treat and lends itself to many variations. It can be enjoyed hot or cold and enriched with many ingredients.

Which rice to use for risolatte?

For greater creaminess and consistency of the grains, to prepare risolatte it is preferable to choose risotto varieties such as carnaroli or arborio. Instead, avoid rices with long grains or brown rice, which generally remains too hard under the teeth and loses little friend, a fundamental component for making the dessert creamy.

Risolatte: some variations to try

Rice, milk and sugar, and then? Try our recipe with mint and lemon but not only that. You can also add to your risotto:

  • cinnamon
  • dark chocolate
  • cocoa
  • Orange juice
  • vanilla

Finally, have fun garnishing with chopped dried fruit, fresh fruit, honey or whatever you like best.


This recipe has already been read 95 times!

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