Tag: Rice

Cold fregola instead of rice or pasta salad – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


Cold fregola: which ingredients choose for the preparation of this fresh and tasty dish? That’s the beauty of it! You can really indulge your fantasyexperiment with delicious variations and please everyone, from those who love vegetarian cuisine to those who love fish and shellfish. Yes, because among the main alternatives we find the combination of cold fregola with octopus and seafood.

Fregola, or typically called fregulait’s a dish of Sardinian origin. This is a typical, very ancient pasta, made starting from durum wheat: tradition explains that one of the words capable of telling its origin is the Latin word “ferculum”, that is “crumb”The consistency of fregola, which recalls the famous couscous, actually evokes the “crumb” effect.

Cold fregola is a perfect dish for summer. It will be a delicious alternative to cold pasta and rice salad: a lesser-known ingredient that will give us the opportunity to experiment with new combinations. We propose a very simple version, with lots of vegetables, cubes of ham and cheese. If your pantry is short, know that the basic recipe for many centuries it simply used ripe tomatoesgood extra virgin olive oil and pecorino cheese. Olives, green beans, courgettes, fresh onion and all the vegetables you love most will enrich your cold fregola: don’t forget to add a handful of chopped fresh herbsto add the scent of summer to the dish.

Cold fregola: the recipe


  • 300 g fregola
  • 200 g cherry tomatoes
  • 150 g cooked ham
  • 150 g mixed cheeses
  • 100 g green beans
  • 2 courgettes
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoons Taggiasca olives
  • aromatic herbs of your choice to taste
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • pepper as needed


  1. How to prepare cold fregola? First of all, start with the vegetables which need to be cooked, like green beans: blanch them for a few minutes in boiling water. In the meantime, wash and dice the courgettes and yellow pepper.
  2. In a pan, heat a couple of tablespoons of oil, then add the courgettes together with the pepper, onion, Taggiasca olives and cherry tomatoes cut in half. Sauté for a few minutes, adding salt and pepper.
  3. Separately, bring the water to the boil, add salt and let it boil. cook the fregola for about 10 minutes about before draining. Let cool or rinse under cold running water.
  4. Then pour the fregola into the pan together with the vegetables and add a mixture of aromatic herbs: you can use basil, thyme, marjoram.
  5. Finally, add the baked ham in cubes and yours cheese favorite: perfect pairing with pecorino, parmesan or the Greek feta. If you want a vegetarian recipe, simply remove the ham.

Fregula with cod

Fresh cream, celeriac, parmesan and saffron: here is the recipe for fregula with cod.


Mushrooms stuffed with rice salad – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Mushrooms stuffed with rice salad


In a bowl combine the cold rice with the mushroom stems, tomato, cucumber, black olives and diced fresh parsley. Season with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Fill the mushrooms with the prepared rice salad and serve.


30 summer risottos: recipes to make even when it’s hot – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay


Risottos summer? Of course, it is not an oxymoron! Of course, it may seem like a dish far from our sunny imagination. Either because of the heat that risotto gives off fork after fork, or because we always tend to overdo it with fried ingredients and condiments, it is never at the top of our summer recipes. But that is a mistake. This simple dish allows us to play with the ingredients as if it were a blank canvas on which to draw and it is ideal for enhancing the delicate flavors of summer.

A light sauté

The classic risotto recipe involves the preparation of sautéed onion. But if you want to make the dish more digestible and lighten the first step, there are several alternatives. The first is that of replace it shallot or the spring onion with onion. Otherwise you can also use the leek cut very thinly and cooked slowly until almost melted with the help of a ladle of broth. If instead you want to prepare a risotto that you will then serve just warm and make sure that you do not find cold pieces of onion on the plate, proceed in a similar way to how you do with garlic. So heat the extra virgin olive oil in a pan and add plenty of sliced ​​onion. Stir carefully, being careful not to burn it and remove it once brownedThe oil will have absorbed its aroma and will be ready to release it on the plate.


If classic carnaroli is one of the most suitable types of rice for preparing a traditional risotto, in summer we can opt for something different. As a Venere rice, red and whole wheatless suitable for stirring, but capable of giving freshness to our summer risotto.

The creaming

Creaming the rice is the favorite step of those with a sweet tooth. In fact, after this step the risotto is creamier, tastier and richer. But butter and cheese add calories and a bit of heaviness to the preparation and we can think of a very light alternative for the summer. To get one really light creaming try with a spoonful of ricotta. If you are looking for a more traditional result, instead, opt for a radical choice: either butter or cheese grated. Fresh result guaranteed!

Our 30 summer risottos

summer risottos

30 summer risottos to bring to the table even when it’s hot

One last risotto to try


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