Cocoa cake with a soft center recipe, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Cocoa cake with a soft center recipe, the recipe


How can you get a delicious pie al cocoa with a soft heart like what is offered in many restaurants as dessert? The question remains a mystery until you try to prepare it and you actually discover a very simple recipe.

The secret lies in cooking, a step that must be paid close attention to to obtain the desired result. Enough indeed a few minutes more or less in the oven for failing to prepare. Take up the challenge and then dig in: only in this way will you find out if you have overcome it!

The cocoa cake with a soft centre it’s a perfect idea for a “chocolaty” dessert for Saint Valentine. Also discover: Chocolate cake, papaya compote, Cocoa tarts with soft pear centre.


This recipe has already been read 120 times!

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