Tag: autumn

Pasta and potatoes recipe with parmesan – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pasta and potatoes recipe with parmesan


Pasta and potatoes it is the dish of the heart of Antonio Arcieri, since 2019 chef of Arco by Paco Perez and Treinta y Tres in Gdansk, in Poland: “It reminds me of the days when dad cooked this specialty of his. he tells us – It takes me back to my Calabrian origins, with the variant of parmesaninstead of try it, heritage of Northern Italy, where I grew up. When I prepare it at home, in Poland, I can see the table with the whole family gathered together.”

The chef, who arrived in Poland after working at El Bulli and Azurmendi and in Paco Perez’s Spanish restaurants, gave us his recipe for pasta and potatoes: the potatoes cut into cubes and boil together pasta drained al dente they are poured together into a pan with the garlic, stirring with a little cooking water and parmesan. The goodness of this dish is also in the creamy texture of the potatoes which slowly fall apart during creaming.

Also discover these recipes: Pasta, potatoes and provola, Pasta mixed with potatoes, mussels and smoked provola sauce, Pasta, potatoes and herbs.


Sweet omelette recipe with jam – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Sweet omelette recipe with jam


Among the testimonies that the editorial team of La Cucina Italiana has collected to create a “national bank” of home recipes there is the one from the recipe book of the Dalla Vedova family which collects the preparations of Ada, the beloved home cook.

One of the recipes is that of omelette with jam: “Sweets in our house were considered something extra and appeared only on so to speak canonical occasions: sossole (chatter, ed.) at Carnival, hot chocolate and pudding at birthdays – says Nicoletta Dalla Vedova, who wrote the recipe book with the help of brothers, cousins ​​and childhood friends – The omelettes with jam were part of the recipes dedicated to the children at home. Even my cousin Giorgio remembers how good they were and I remember how abundant they were!”.

Discover other sweet and savory omelet recipes:


Recipe Creamed cod and polenta, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Recipe Creamed cod and polenta, the recipe


Step 1

Bring 1.5 liters of salted water to the boil, pour in the corn flour, stirring with a whisk, then continue mixing with a spatula for about 1 hour: you should obtain a soft polenta; roll it out onto a greased or baking paper-lined baking tray to a thickness of 1.5 cm and leave to cool.

Step 2

Peel and bone the cod very carefully. Cut it into cubes. Chop a shallot and let it sauté gently in a pan with 4 tablespoons of oil, the anchovy fillets and a small piece of chilli (measure it very sparingly), add the cod and cook it for 5 minutes so that it releases its water; then pour in the wine, let it evaporate, add the milk and cook for another 10 minutes or so; finally taste it and add salt if needed. Blend everything with the immersion blender adding another 4 tablespoons of oil.

Step 3

Cut the polenta, now cold and firm, into discs or squares and brown it in a pan with a little oil and butter until golden on both sides; alternatively, grease it lightly and bake it at 220°C for about ten minutes (croutons).

Step 4

Serve the cod on polenta croutons, finishing with a few drops of oil and chervil leaves if desired.


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