Vegetarian meatballs and meatless meatloaves: 15 recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Vegetarian meatballs and meatless meatloaves: 15 recipes


Vegetarian meatballs And Meatless meatloavesbut with legumes and vegetables? It can be done! Quick and easy to prepare, meatballs and meatloaves are often a dish save-dinner which satisfies the whole family because both adults and children like them, but they don’t necessarily have to include meat. For those who follow one vegetarian diet or for those who want to try to reduce their meat consumption (which is good for the environment) or simply for those who want to vary, here it is 15 recipes to make vegetarian meatballs and meatloaves.

Vegetarian meatballs: ideas with legumes, vegetables, quinoa and ricotta

To make vegetarian meatballs we can focus entirely on legumesrich in proteinsas in the recipes of Lentil and potato meatballsfrom the Chickpea meatballs on pea cream and of Mixed bean balls with aromatic herbsor we can combine legumes with vegetables and greenschoosing them each time based on the season as in Bean and vegetable meatballs with pumpkin and catalonia, in Vegetable meatballs with chickpeas, turnip greens, broccoli and turnips Mixed vegetable meatballs with courgettes, asparagus and broad beans.

Another idea for creating vegetarian meatballs is quinoaused as in the recipe Quinoa and sesame meatballs or by combining it, for example, with potatoes and courgettes as in Quinoa meatballs and yogurt sauce. Finally, classic save-dinnerhere they are Low-fat meatballs with the ricotta.

Meatless vegetarian meatloaves

Just as we prepared vegetarian meatballs, we can prepare some Meatless meatloaves good for everyone. Also in this case we use legumes and seasonal vegetables by combining them together, but also, for example, mozzarella and mushrooms. For autumn and winter they are perfect Pumpkin, chickpea and mushroom meatloaf, The Cauliflower meatloafThe Vegetable meatloaf with potatoes, radicchio, pumpkin, broccoli, il Vegetable and chicory meatloaf. Going towards the spring also try the Chickpea, spinach and mozzarella meatloaf and the Chickpea and artichoke meatloaf.

Below, in the gallery, our best recipes chosen for you: perfect for preparing excellent vegetarian meatballs and extraordinary meatless meatloaves.

The recipes


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