Variegated cheesecake recipe, the recipe – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Variegated cheesecake recipe, the recipe


Here’s a version of the cheesecake super delicious, with a chocolate base and a variegated yogurt and caramel cream. Just looking at it in the photo makes you want to dig in, doesn’t it?

Making it requires several steps but it will be worth it to obtain a mouth-watering dessert! The base is made up of Cacao Biscuits, nuts, corn flakes held together by milk chocolate melted and left to harden in the fridge; there will be two creams to make – one with caramelcream and cheese, the other with Greek yogurt and icing sugar – which will then be mixed to obtain the variegated effect.

Also discover these surprising cheesecake recipes: Cocoa and raspberry cheesecake, Pistachio cheesecake, Baked cheesecake with chocolate mousse, Cheesecake with walnuts and salted caramel, Tiramisu cheesecake.


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