Soft Genoese focaccia | Yummy Recipes – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Soft Genoese focaccia |  Yummy Recipes


The delicious Genovese bun it is one of the symbols of street food in the Ligurian capital. It is prepared at the end of a rather laborious but not complex process and is truly delicious. It can be accompanied with some ingredients, as in the case of focaccia with stracchinobut it’s delicious just like that too.

How to make Genoese focaccia

There Genovese bun it is made by kneading the flour with salt and sugar, subsequently adding yeast and flour, leaving it to rise and cooking in the oven. The result is a soft and delicious focaccia, a real pleasure for the palate and the sense of smell, given that it is also very fragrant. Here are the recipe steps Genovese bun.


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