Potato and mask recipe | The Italian kitchen – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Potato and mask recipe |  The Italian kitchen


Potato and mask it’s one of the dishes we discovered a Contrada Bricconi, a reality in the mountains between Clusone and Ardesio, above Bergamo, founded by Giacomo Perletti. It is a farm, agritourism, breeding, restaurant (with a green Michelin star), mountain village, and in the future also a hotel.

Chef Michele Lazzarini created this appetizer starting, as always, from attention to the product: the potatoes are baked in the oven with the peel and coarse salt, then the pulp is passed through a sieve, kneaded, flattened with a rolling pin and fried in the shape of tortillas. The fried potatoes are served with Bolzanina sauce and with mask (ricotta in Lombard) and the marinated yolk grated on top.

Also discover these recipes from Contrada Bricconi: Salami bruschetta with cream, Ricotta gnocchi, herbs, kefir and wild garlic oil.


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