Pasqualina cake recipe with pumpkin mustard – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Pasqualina cake recipe with pumpkin mustard


There Easter cake is a traditional preparation from Liguria, in particular from the Genoa area: it is a savory pie in which a casket of puff pastry contains a filling based on vegetables (such as herbs, chard, spinach, borage), cheese (prescinsêua, typical curdled Ligurian cheese, or ricotta) and then hard-boiled eggs.

As the name suggests, Torta Pasqualina is used to cook during Easter, but it is perfect for the whole spring because it is made with many vegetables of this season and because it is ideal to carry in the picnic basket.

Tradition dictates that the original recipe has 33 layers of very thin pastry, like the years of Christ, but today it is prepared with many fewer layers and also with ready-made puff pastry. In today’s recipe we propose it to you in chef Matias Perdomo’s version, who enriches the Easter cake with a pumpkin mustard.


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