November, the pleasure of simplicity: the new Sale & Pepe on newsstands – Italian Cuisine

November, the pleasure of simplicity: the new Sale & Pepe on newsstands


November, month of mist and soups, chestnuts and polenta, of foliage spectacular and invigorating family lunches. Cooking in November is a special, slow pleasure, far from the fast summer experiments like from the elaborate interpretations of the feasts.

Mountain flavors
Cooking now means tapping into the popular tradition. Starting with that of the farmers of our Alpine valleys. So this month we tell you the story of a culture ancient and survival, which sees cereals, cheeses And vegetables protagonists of hearty and characterful dishes, perfect for the November table: a cheese soup, a plate of rustic gnocchi, a potato cake, an enriched polenta …

White vegetables
With the arrival of the cold the garden is tinged with White; arrive cauliflower, fennel, onions, leeks and all the roots, such as turnips, parsnips and daikon. Lower temperatures and light favor vegetables that grow close to the earth (or even below). Seasonal products are also those that our body needs: the "whites" they have power purifying and anti-inflammatory effect. And here it is simple dishes of intense flavor, such as a roasted cauliflower pan, fennel pie, or ginger root stew. Simple and delicious: seeing is believing.

Sauce and meat, only one cooking
You know the Neapolitan ragù? The meat cooks for a long time in the tomato sauce and makes it super savory. The sauce obtained season the spaghetti, while the meat is served separately as a ghiotto
stew. Inspired by this masterpiece of Neapolitan cuisine we can cook the condiment and the second dish in the same saucepan. To optimize efforts and increase the taste.

Local flavors
And then we take you to the Woods for an autumn lunch, a Mantua to taste rich stuffed pastas, sweets and mustards and to discover the city. TO
Trani, by Stefano Di Gennaro, the JRE of the month who creates a menu of simple and local products, including the farmer's father's oil. In Appenzeller, to discover a special cheese produced noel small Swiss canton with a mix of herbs with an intense aroma. And, again, in Val di Chiana where the Nobile di Montepulciano wine.

And to conclude
Cold season … warm desserts: grapes, apples, pears fill soft and crunchy doughs to be enjoyed as desserts and special snacks. And some curiosities: the history of the corkscrew, which dates back to the eighteenth century and that of stuffed lettuces, a refined dish, made invigorating from an excellent broth. And the sauces Middle Eastern, spicy and sweet and sour, ideal with beef, lamb and chicken.

November 2021


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