Apple custard: salty or sweet? Try them both! – Italian Cuisine

Apple custard: salty or sweet? Try them both!


Stock up on apples in the next few days because you will not only be making cakes and muffins this winter, but also this delicious savory cream to serve as an appetizer or main course

If you love the apples and you would like to use them in the kitchen also to prepare savory recipes, this cream is what you are looking for.
Not really a velvety because it doesn't have cream and neither does it potatoes, but a fairly liquid cream with a sweet taste that we will enrich with a savory and slightly crunchy part.
A first, or single dish, simple and quick to prepare. We are sure you will love it.
Here's to the recipe.

Apple custard recipe


4 red delicious apples
1 cup of milk
1.5 l of broth
1 tablespoon of flour 00
1 slice of cooked ham
1 lemon
extra virgin olive oil
1 shallot
Salt to taste


Peel the apples and grate them.
Wet them with lemon juice and then cook them in boiling broth for ten minutes.
Chop the shallot and brown it in a pan with a little oil.
Add the chopped ham and let the sauce dry for a few minutes over low heat.
Once cold, blend the apples with the milk and flour and add the sautéed ham and shallot to the smoothie.
You can garnish with sour cream if you want a contrast of flavors, or top it all off with crusty bread with oil.
We do not recommend Parmesan, while you can play with aromatic herbs and seeds.

The sweet apple custard

You can transform this cream into a truly unusual dessert or a warm cuddle with the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg, even to drink in a cup.
Just replace the broth with the milk and then simply add the flour or cornstarch and let everything thicken, obviously without making any sauté with the ham!
Scented with abundant cinnamon and nutmeg if you prefer with the lemon zest you used on the apples.
Sweeten to taste with sugar dissolved in hot milk or with maple syrup added at the end on the ready dish.

Which apples to use?

You know Snow White's red apple?
To prepare this cream you have to use a red delicious, sweet, but not too much and with a crunchy consistency.
The taste is delicate and on the palate it is very fresh.
Alternatively, you can try the golden apples, which however are definitely more suitable for the sweet version together with rennets.

Scroll through the gallery above to discover the secrets of apple custard!


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