Tag: November

The tastiest recipes for the week of November 22nd – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the week of November 22nd


What to cook during the week of November 22nd? Do not miss first, second and easy desserts for everyday cooking

With the best seasonal ingredients even the daily kitchen can give enormous satisfaction. It doesn't take much for give a twist to the simplest recipes and transform what seemed a monotonous dish into a novelty. This week we have chosen many recipes suitable to achieve this goal, from the first course to the dessert.

What to cook during the week of November 22: first courses and unique dishes

If for you the challenge of preparing one perfect cheese and pepper is now out of date, you absolutely must try it in this version enriched with crispy artichokes and lemon peel.

Finally the first ones begin to arrive turnip greens November: we couldn't wait to put them in the risotto together with stracciatella di burrata and anchovies.

For lovers of creams and velvets, a super recipe healthy that will warm you up on colder days: broccoli cream with mixed cabbage, potatoes and mushrooms.

It is also the time to indulge yourself with cabbage rolls, a dish to be declined in infinite variations. We offer it with sausage, toasted hazelnuts and rice, ideal for dinner as a single meal.

What to cook during the week of November 22: main courses

The scallops they are a great classic for lunches and dinners of the week, that's why we offer them both meat and fish: veal escalopes with Marsala and orange or salmon escalopes with lime with almonds.

In addition, for those who have no time to waste, a delicious sandwich with mortadella, ricotta and pistachios ready in a quarter of an hour.

What to cook during the week of November 22: sweets

There is advanced of the bread? In 20 minutes you can turn stale bread into a fabulous cocoa cake, you will need a few basic ingredients and a microwave.
If, on the other hand, you have more time to devote to the preparation of a dessert, the cheesecake with nuts and salted caramel it is truly unmissable.

Look at all the recipes for this week in the gallery above


The tastiest recipes for the week of November 1st – Italian Cuisine

The tastiest recipes for the week of November 1st


What to cook this week? Do not miss the perfect first, second and desserts to inaugurate the month of November

Even everyday cooking can be varied and creative, while taking into account the less time available to devote to the stove. If you are looking for ideas to revolutionize the lunches and dinners of the week, browse the gallery up and get to work immediately!

Let's start with a plate of pasta really greedy, ready in a short time: the mezze sleeves with spinach, bacon and dried tomatoes.

Tired of the usual grilled chicken slice? Chicken and quinoa meatballs are an alternative that will conquer even the little ones. And if you want to get them to eat more vegetables, you absolutely must discover this crumble, which brings together the best of the season with a crunchy twist.

We know that in the freezer you always have some slices of Cod available for any eventuality: this time, however, serve it on pumpkin discs, as we have done here.

Finally, let's talk about toast, the greatest of the dinner savers classics. It can be declined in many versions, but here we also offer you the recipe to make it perfect starting from scratch, including bread.

During the week you don't have to give up homemade sweets. To make the task easier, we offer you a cake that, with all its wonderful simplicity, is always at the top of the ranking of the most popular homemade desserts: we are talking about the donut, in a recipe that is too easy. His secret? You don't have to weigh the ingredients, just measure them with a spoon!

You just have to look at the gallery above with all the other recipes for the first week of November


Seasonal fruit and vegetables: this is what you will find in November – Italian Cuisine



Launched for the first time on November 1, 1994, the World Vegan Day was created precisely to increase and spread the knowledge of the benefits that this lifestyle can bring to our body. A green lifestyle with a low environmental impact that has spread like wildfire throughout most of the world in recent years. And we, on the occasion of this day, want to tell you about the seasonal fruit and vegetables that you will find on the tables of November, the one that tastes and smells of autumn, earth and good!

Why it is important to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables
Growers, nutritionists and doctors have been telling us for years now, eating seasonal fruit and vegetables is good for us body and toenvironment. From the fruit and vegetables in season, which is born and grows in its time of year, we can draw several benefits including a greater supply of micro nutrients such as minerals and vitamins; eat tastier and more fragrant foods. How many times, buying fruit and vegetables out of season, have we realized that the flavor and aroma were less intense? This happens because fruits and vegetables do not have the necessary time and the right environment to ripen as nature wants, the plants are forcibly grown in greenhouses and the fruits ripen in a completely unnatural way. Not only that, seasonal fruit and vegetables contain fewer pesticides than those grown in greenhouses "out of season". Why? Seasonal plants are stronger and more resistant parasites while those grown forcibly to meet the market and consumer demand for seasonal fruit and vegetables that are not always available on large-scale distribution stalls are weaker and more exposed to parasites.

Seasonal fruit and vegetables, that of November
There fruit this month is full of C vitamin, we find it in oranges, mandarins, clementines, lemons And Kiwi, but also in the unsuspected persimmon. Yes, even persimmons have a good amount of Vitamin C in addition to many precious micro nutrients. But the fruit par excellence of November is her, the Chestnut! One of the beautiful gifts of November nature (but also of mid / late October) that turns out to be a very versatile food in the kitchen. Perfect for roasting in a pan, boiling in water or milk to soften them and prepare many sweet or savory dishes. But let's not forget about the apples, harvested from the end of August to November to be available on our tables until January; a delicate, tasty, juicy and excellent fruit for baking sweet and fragrant cakes. For example, one of the November varieties is the Melannurca bell, small, juicy, with a slightly sour and fresh taste. Given its size, it turns out to be an excellent snack to be consumed in the middle of the morning or as a snack. Not only that, another apple variety that is harvested in November is the Pink Lady, with an unmistakable color tending to pink and an aromatic flavor. But did you know that this apple variety is the fruit of a cross between a Lady Williams apple and a Golden Delicius? Very good! Furthermore, in November we can also find some very juicy and sweet grape.

And the vegetables? In November we find cabbages, cabbage, potatoes, turnip greens, broccoli, fennel, mushrooms, spiny artichokes, cauliflower. Mushrooms, the true kings of the undergrowth, with an intense flavor and aroma. Excellent for preparing risottos, preserves or soups; to sauté with other vegetables or to fry or sauté to accompany a soft polenta. But in reality, all the vegetables that November gives us are perfect for preparing very hot dishes, soups and dips that warm the soul and stomach. Not only that, they are also perfect for gratinating! Think of a steaming pan of fennel or broccoli au gratin? Irresistible! And then the cabbage, perfect allies for wrapping meat and vegetable rolls to be cooked slowly; or you can use them to prepare savory pies or the more classic Valtellina pizzoccheri, strictly with Bitto!

November and truffles
192432Mineral and earthy, with an unmistakably good and elegant scent, the truffle It is not only good for the soul and the palate, it is also good for the body! One of its strengths is that it is totally cholesterol-free, which makes it an excellent food to combine with more fatty dishes such as classic fried eggs or noodles with butter! But pay attention to the quantities, to flavor a dish, a few flakes are really enough. There are several varieties, but the ones that you will find also in November are the Precious White (September – January), the Smooth Black (September – December), the Ordinary Black (October – January), lo Winter Scorzone (October – December) and the Precious Black (mid-November – March).
Truffles are mainly eaten raw and in flakes, to flavor risottos, tagliolini, eggs or bruschetta. You can also make a different use of it and try to prepare a truffle flavored oil homemade! Very simple and impressive. You will need a truffle, a truffle cutter to obtain thin slices, 500 ml of extra virgin olive oil with a not too marked taste and obviously a glass bottle. The procedure is very simple, you just need to cut thin slices of truffle and put them in the bottle of oil, close and let it rest in a cool and dry place for a few days so that the tuber can release its aromas and the oil absorb them. properly. Use it to dress bruschetta, salads, pasta and rice dishes!
Here you can find lots of information and curiosities about this precious tuber!

November 2021
Giulia Ferrari


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