Lambrusco Day: on June 21st we toast with Emilian bubbles – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


On the summer solstice the Lambrusco Protection Consortium prepares to celebrate. On June 21st the Before Italian edition of the “World Lambrusco Day” which will take place in Matera: a location of unique beauty, which stands out for the combination of culture, history and identity. The event, which counts on the Sponsored by the Municipality and Province of Matera, the Basilicata Region and Enoteca Lucanawill consist of several moments spread over two days: 21 and 22 June.

June 21st: Lambrusco is social

Throughout the day June 21st and in the days immediately following, wine lovers and enthusiasts from all over the world will be able to share your toasts based on Lambrusco wines through social media using the hashtag #wld_lambrusco and mentioning the official profile of the Consorzio Tutela Lambrusco on Instagram (@consorziolambrusco). The Consortium will be happy to relaunch the contents on its channel, with the aim of animating social media with the joy, energy and colors of Lambrusco.

June 22: open tasting

The A tasting will be held on June 22nd open to the public upon registration, in the history Malvinni Malvezzi Palace. Starting at 9.30am and until 12.30pm enthusiasts and operators will be able to taste the over 70 Lambrusco wines on offer and get to know the sixteen producers from Modena and Reggio Emilia who will personally participate in the event, each with their own stall. From the most popular sparkling wines to refermented in the bottle, from the Martinotti Method to the Classic Method sparkling wines, those present will be able to have an overview of all the interpretations that the Lambrusco universe offers on the market today. To complete the program, there will be the opportunity to taste the Parmesan Cheesea leading protagonist of Emilian agri-food, offered in different seasonings.

Also scheduled during the tasting stand is the masterclassesThe colors of Lambrusco”, edited by Filippo Bartolotta – wine educator and author of Italian and international sector magazines.

“World Lambrusco Day” is an important event for our Consortium, an opportunity that will allow us year after year to take our bubbles around Italy and the world”, explains Claudio Biondi, President of the Lambrusco Protection Consortium. “For 2024 we have chosen a one-of-a-kind city: Matera. The event will attract a varied audience of enthusiasts, press and sector operators who, thanks to a program full of in-depth information, will be able to discover our denominations, get to know the producers present at the event and taste the different expressions of Lambrusco, understanding their characteristics”.

“The territory remains a central point in our promotional strategies, but we believe it is important for a wine as widespread as Lambrusco to leave its regional and provincial borders to meet its public where this public lives, tastes and chooses the wines to bring on the table” he adds Giacomo Savorini, Director of the Lambrusco Protection Consortium. “Many of the people who get to know our wines in this way often then plan visits to Emilia to delve deeper into the themes and wineries that have most impressed them.”


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