Homemade recipe with broccoli and tuna – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Homemade recipe with broccoli and tuna


Carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables: in this first course Of homemade nothing is missing. Complete and nutritious, it is also quick and easy to prepare, as well as super tasty.

To prepare it we cooked the caserecce al dente, a short pasta formattypical of Sicily, which can be made fresh or purchased dry. Then we combined the pasta with a sauce prepared in a pan with broccoli lightly boiled, tuna in oilchilli pepper, thyme and chopped fennel, all mixed with a little pasta cooking water.

NB To cook the broccoli and pasta we used the same water, so as to avoid waste.

Try this type of pasta also in these recipes: Caserecce alla Trapani, Homemade pasta with vegetables, Homemade pumpkin and gorgonzola risotto, Caserecce, crab meat, peas and asparagus.


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